Million Dollar Idea!!!

Im not ashamed to admit I still scream like a girl when a dubia escapes the tongs and runs up my arm!:(
My idea was to make "flightless crickets" just like flightless fruitflies. We just have to find a few crickets with curly wings in a few 10k batches and try to line breed.

PS: had to buy 500 crickets due to one baby running out of correct sized roaches. Only 4 sleepless nights so far hunting for chirpers...

This was the inspiration when I was thinking of this.
I have both-crickets and Dubias- I much prefer Dubias but my panthers get freaked out by them...not sure how to get them to try them.
Dubia are not legal in FL. What would be the second choice? I ordered discoids a few years ago, thinking I could feed off the medium sized to my veiled. He wouldn't touch them. He was also leary of hornworms. :)

Thats a shame. Maybe he should start a petition or something so that pet stores will start caring them...!
I have both-crickets and Dubias- I much prefer Dubias but my panthers get freaked out by them...not sure how to get them to try them.

My vield will not touch crickets or dubia, or even anything black ot Brown for that matter. My panther on the other hand will eat just about anything :D
I must have been thinking of the green banana roaches with flying.

I have both, duba, and banana - the banana do more of a "flutter" , but I have never had any take more than a few inch "flight" - they only do that when I flip over the bark, and all they want to do is find a hiding spot- they are cute too - look like little leafs -
little leafs :rolleyes: maybe thats why I like them :p
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