Mimic my female Jackson died today :(


New Member
I am so sad so are out kids! She was doing good until yesterday (we don't have a vet that sees reprisals on the weekend by us) so I called to make an appt with the vet this afternoon and by the time of the appt she was gone. We are all heart broken! Now I am worried that ambush is going to die he is doing great right now but mimic went down hill so fast!!
I am so sorry your beloved Jax passed. It is really hard to help children through the loss of a pet also.
My sincerest thoughts to you and your family. It's never easy losing a chameleon, he lived a great life and you did all you could, and he knows that :).
thats the thing with chams, once you notice symptoms its often too late without a lot of experience.

just dont let your passion for chams die with your dearly departed.
I am sorry this happened. Hopefully your male will stay well. Just continue to enjoy him and let the kids love him. That is one way to teach a child about life and death. That is easier than when to is a family member.
Thank you everyone! Our kids are sad. As am I. I am not letting my live for chams go with mimic however I will be crazy with our male ambush for a little while hoping that he stays healthy. Thanks again for the kind words!
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