mini is sleeping during the day and not as active as normal lately


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled 2 1/2mo old
Handling - once a day if she comes to us with a finger under chin
Feeding - crickets, zoomed gutload and carrots
Supplements - repashy chameleon calcium plus dusted every feeding
Watering - drip cup and mister twice daily she drinks regularly
Fecal Description - white tip 3/4 brown end. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? ---no
Cage Info:Cage Type - 16x16x20 screen
Lighting - 5.0 uvb +day basking and night basking
Temperature - basking area80-84 rest of cage and room stays at 70-75
Humidity - 60% humifier converted to a cage humidifier and we mist her 2 times a day
plants- no live plants
Placement - top of cage located 3/4 up the wall out of direct traffic Location - new mexico

Current Problem - sleeping during the day. and not as active as normal



I have veiled her name is Mini. The first one we had was named aiden by my daughter and unfortunately we trusted Petsmart and they gave is a ton of incorrect info for example no heat source day or night just a uv. Also adv us to purchase a tiny exoterra glass cage (to small, glass and no circulation) and they also failed to mention anything about calcium or vitamins. Lastly aiden was only a couple months old and they told us to feed him full size crickets. Well needless to say we lost him after only a couple weeks. This broke my daughter heart and i swore i would research this time instead of trusting them. I have since found this site, completely corrected all husbandry issues and learned how to take care of these amazing animals before i purchased another. So lately i mini our replacemnt has been doing very well she seem to love coming out of the cage and she is really friendly. Since we are in nm i went ahead and made her a nice sized free range set up its a dead cactus about 4 feet tall it looks really cool and she really loves running around on it. My question is this in the last couple days she has become real lazy she sleeps alot during the day. Her appetite is very healthy she snacks all throughout the day and drinks from a drip cup regularly her poo looks healthy kinda big for a little girl but thats just my opinion haha about 1/3 white and the end brown temps are watched closely humidity is watched closely she just seems sluggish the last couple days. her colors are good she doen not get stressed and we only handle her if she chooses to come to a funger under her chin. eating about 8 and cant get pics to upload
First, why did you post this in a new thread?
Second- you need to gutload better. read sandrachameleons blog on gutloading.
third-NO NIGHT LIGHTS! they need a dark cycle to sleep properly, this could be part of your problem.
now we need pictures.
night time light the red one designed for reptiles at night to ensure proper sleep cycle sorry wasnt specific on that.
maybe for other reptiles but not chameleons. No lights at night. They sleep just great with their cages dark. I cover mine every night and it is pitch black in there. There is no reason for the light and it will heat up the cage and you do not want that.
that red light, even if it has the pic of the chameleon on it,.
is not to be used for chameleons.
NO light at night, sleep in dark, just like us.
ill get a ceramic heat emitter tomorrow. i was under the influence that they could not see that light i will watch temps tonight with no light on just to be sure. anything else you may have noticed ? i just wanna make sure she is getting every oppertunity to be a healthy happy girl
ill get a ceramic heat emitter tomorrow. i was under the influence that they could not see that light i will watch temps tonight with no light on just to be sure. anything else you may have noticed ? i just wanna make sure she is getting every oppertunity to be a healthy happy girl

they can see colors. like us.
unless your temps drop below 60 at night,. nothing else to warm is required.
and your husbandry looks ok but we need pictures of the chameleonl, and your set up please.
Yeah im sorry it wont let me post pics from taptalk. She looks very healthy great color nice and thick without being fat her joints look good no signs of mdb been watching for scratching on bottom i have a bin set up with sand for her to go to if she needs to lay eggs. Her cage is set up where she is elevated but has the option to go to floor or free range play area or sand area i will post pics tomorrow when i get to laptop
remove the substrate. she can ingest it.
veileds are known to eat things that arent bugs.

and i ask for pictures because i want to see if there is something with the eye.

she could have an eye infection, crust, something in it, etc. and you may not even be ablet to see if there is something in it.
how close is the uvb to her basking spot?
what basking bulb are you using for the day?
what wattage,
75w 120v day basking uvb is a little higher to get a little more coverage but i plan on picking up a a big bar style tomorrow. I cant see anything in her eyes but like you said i may not be able to see it. Ill get my macro lense out tomorrow and get some close ups of her eyes. Should i just leave the bottom bare?
Other people can post pictures with tapatalk...maybe you want to post a "help" request in the Site Assistance forum. I'm sure someone can give you a heads up on how to manage it (it's wizardry to phone makes phone calls....).
Ok so update : woke up this morning and mini was still asleep which is diff because she is usually already awake when we get up. Turned on her lights and she didnt seem to improve much but after about 15 min she looked wide awake hasnt closed her eyes since then. She still seems a little sluggish but she isnt sleeping or closing her eyes. She also started a full shed since she woke so now and then she is walking around stretching and taking huge breaths to kinda inflate herself then when she exhales it spreads the shed which has been the norm for her previous 3 sheds. Im leaving in a min for the 2 hour drive to the pet store to get the new uvb light and different heat source for the night time as it did get to about 69 last night which kinda worried me but as far as the sleeping goes she seems to be a little more rested after the night without the red light so thanks for that info
Total turnaround she is doing better and better as the day goes by she was just extremely tired from not sleeping right at night
69 is not too cold for her without another heat source! I always run my cham room down to the upper sixties at night. As long as it stays above 60 at night she should be fine. They like a 10 deg drop in nite time temps anyway.
75w 120v day basking uvb is a little higher to get a little more coverage but i plan on picking up a a big bar style tomorrow. I cant see anything in her eyes but like you said i may not be able to see it. Ill get my macro lense out tomorrow and get some close ups of her eyes. Should i just leave the bottom bare?
Yes leave the bottom bare.
she is on the end of a shed and closed her eyes because of flash hast had em closed today like she has lately


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I think you eed to reduce your lighting.
A 5.0 reptiglo tube light is fine.
as for basking, get a 50-60 watt house bulb.
i thin your likghts might be too much for the baby eyes.
I'm glad she's feeling better. Sheds seem to make everything worse. I agree with camimom, knock down the lighting. Younger ones can't really take the strong lights.

Liken it to a adult can usually stay our much longer without burning than a baby. That thin baby skin (including the eyelid) is just not up to the job.
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