miniature veiled died

Fate X

New Member
i had a miniature veiled hatched in may 2007 and sadly it passed on.i am not sure why it died it had been doing was a dwarf veiled,it had NOT grown was still eating very small crix.basically i went to do morning spraying for them and it was laying on a leaf hyper extended.and alive ,i went to get it off the leaf and it "peeled" away from the leaf like it was glued to it.its eyes were like electric sockets and it was obviously dying,i misted it ,i never knew if it was a girl or boy anyway it was very healthy and overnight had a event of some kind.i misted it but it got worse, it was laying on its back,strange i thought and shaking with its arms outstretched and its legs extended and breathing irregular but it was the eyes that i tried not to look at so much,i had to look though.they were super bright and sparkling and within 45mn it had moved on away from me ,far away to wherever dead animals go.
now i'd had this animal since may and it was in good health for a dwarf he ate n ate n nevr grew. someone had told me about 3 month ago it was not a dwarf and it would grow like the rest once it was alone n started eating right.
it had been alone for like 4 months n never grew,iut got fat but thats it.
its gone now its the first one that died on me.
i still wonder why it was almost glued to a fake leaf,there was no actual glue on the leaf i checked,it peeled off anyway.
You have our sympathies. How upsetting. If it were that small it is likely only your good care that took it this far. From what I understand it is nature's way that not all who hatch are destined to survive. For all we know it could have had a heart defect or something. You did a good job, and gave the little guy a good life. Perhaps someone on the forum will understand the strange circumstances of its death.
i had a batch of veileds hatch in august and the same thing, they all were the same size at hatching, then the others grew at an alarming rate, i could almost watch them grow but 2 stayed small, i watched them eat just like the big ones, it wasn't until the sizes made a ifference that i had to separate these little guys, they were being forced away from the food etc, veileds can be very mean to each other, well i must say i still have the 2 together, they are about the size of 1 month old hatchlings, they eat great and seem heathly. they get there supplements just like everyone else. i am sorry for your loss and i hope i have better luck with them but i would imagine there is something in there genes that did this and why yours moved on.

i had a batch of veileds hatch in august and the same thing, they all were the same size at hatching, then the others grew at an alarming rate, i could almost watch them grow but 2 stayed small, i watched them eat just like the big ones, it wasn't until the sizes made a ifference that i had to separate these little guys, they were being forced away from the food etc, veileds can be very mean to each other, well i must say i still have the 2 together, they are about the size of 1 month old hatchlings, they eat great and seem heathly. they get there supplements just like everyone else. i am sorry for your loss and i hope i have better luck with them but i would imagine there is something in there genes that did this and why yours moved on.


your 2 sound like the one i had,i had it since june,the clutch started hatching may31 so i figure it hatched sometime in june.this animal left me about 2 weeks ago ,i told my brother what might have happened.
for some reason i thought i gave it a tiny amount of rzilla liquid calcium that you can spray on reptile food or 3 drops orally for a reptile,its weaker then calcium glubinate,i thought i gave it 1 drop or half a drop but i cannot remember.i think maybe i was trying to find a reason why rather then trying to troubleshoot the real reason,it was cold when i peeled it off the leaf.
for some individials its easy to see "them" as specimems and block it out.
i had tried seeing as a specimen but i had her for almost 6 months so it was a friend im sorry to say but thats how it is here at my house,these chameleons are my"friends" and we all get along well.
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