Miscellaneous questions


I had a few questions that I figured I would lump into a single threat, rather than start several threads.
When do female veiled chameleons generally become full-grown?
I am breeding crickets. How long should I keep the breeding dish in the main tank before I put it in the baby tank? Also, how long do cricket eggs usually take to hatch?
I had a few questions that I figured I would lump into a single threat, rather than start several threads.
When do female veiled chameleons generally become full-grown?
I am breeding crickets. How long should I keep the breeding dish in the main tank before I put it in the baby tank? Also, how long do cricket eggs usually take to hatch?

females and males generally become full grown around 13-14 months of age, but will continue growing until they die. reptiles never stop growing.

you can get a massive amount of eggs in 4-7 days. your preference. crickets will usually take about 2 weeks to start hatching to pin heads.
I had a few questions that I figured I would lump into a single threat, rather than start several threads.
When do female veiled chameleons generally become full-grown?
I am breeding crickets. How long should I keep the breeding dish in the main tank before I put it in the baby tank? Also, how long do cricket eggs usually take to hatch?

I can answer on the female veiled around a year. Crickets?? I can't breed them, i always kill them.:(
I guess I actually have on more question:
My chameleon almost always has a darkish coloration when she is basking- not all dark grey, like when she is stressed, but a splotchey light grey-dark grey coloration:

Is this normal?
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