Mist king Nozzles


New Member
I want to get a couple of more nozzles (so sorry I did not order extra in the beginning)

I want to be able to soak one to clean it and have a spare, If I ever can't clean it I want a spare.

Where can I get the nozzles? Do I have to go through mist king and Canada again :( shipping is high and they weigh nothing...
You can get them at LLLReptile, JoshsFrogs, Pangea or MistingDepot or MistKing.com
Thank you! Sorry about the delay in answering but I forgot I asked this and it never turned dark blue again:eek:

is there a setting on this forum that sends you an e mail alert?
Yeah, in your user cp there is an option that will say subscribe then what sort of correspondence to get
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