Mist King question

Slo Surfer

New Member
Hey everyone,
I'm looking to get a Mist King setup for my veiled chameleon. I'm just tired of hand misting a few times a day, and I want to be able to leave for a couple days without worrying.

My chameleon is in a Reptarium enclosure (I belive it's the 175 gallon? It's about 4 feet tall, 3 feet wide). Will the "Starter Kit" with 1 nozzle be enough? And how do you recommend getting the mister inside the cage without creating holes for crickets to escape through?

I bought a Habba Mist today and it's getting returned tomorrow. Calling that thing a "mister" is a crime... And it sounds kindof like an industrial paper shredder. My chameleon ran and hid in the other corner of the cage when it turned on.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Hey Slo Surfer,

The starter system with 1 nozzle will work fine for the Reptarium style cages. Your going to want to purchase a "Cage Wedge" and a "Seconds Timer" in addition to the kit itself. The cage wedge allows you to mount the nozzle in the corner of the enclosure. The Seconds Timer will allow you to set a misting program to make the system completly automated. The Water resovior can be a simple pal or bucket. Many keepers use a simple 5 gal bucket with lid from places like Home Depot.

To mount the wedge you going to want to use zip ties and secure it in the corner of the cage. You do not need to make a hole in the mesh exterior. Mount the wedge and nozzle with the mesh shell off the frame. Install the mesh shell, and insert the nozzles "L" fitting thru the mesh and into the top of the nozzle assy. Hook the mist line to the "L" fitting and then to the pump.

MistKing's instructions are detailed and easy to follow, but if you have any questions, Marty(@MistKing) will walk you thru any issues or questions you may have.

I run MistKing systems for my 4 indoor and 4 outdoor cages, and am very happy with the results.:)

Good luck mate,

Do you think that this setup would be too much for a 16" x 16" x 20" cage? I was hoping to only have to make this purchase once.
Do you think that this setup would be too much for a 16" x 16" x 20" cage? I was hoping to only have to make this purchase once.

I am pretty sure you will be purchasing a larger cage soon(assuming you have a vieled from your avatar) but for now one nozzle in the 16x16x20 cage isn't too big.
The beauty of the Mist King is that it can grow from 1 nozzle to 15, just add more nozzles.
You got that right. Bigger cage is getting urethaned in the garage. Bikram probably won't need it for a couple more months though.
Does anyone use a fish tank heater to heat their supply tank for their misting system? I am planning on using a 5 gal food grade bucket. Any suggestions on heating or if it is necessary? Thanks!
fish tank heater is risky..
Try to heat the water using inline heater (hydor).
use your search function on the green tab below the chamforum logo. and search about inline heater. You'll find many threads that cover this.
why would a fish heater be risky?

I can think of two off the top of my head. If you use a glass heater it could crack over time and you'd spray rust water for your chameleon to drink. Also electrical shorts do happen with heaters I've had my hand in a tank a few times that shocked me.

How to solve above problems - buy a grounding wire at the salt water fish store and purchase a Stealth brand indestructible heater. I've run a heater in my 5 gallon water change buckets for years with no problems. Hydor inline heaters imho wouldn't be that good bc they need constant flow to maintain temps
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