Mist king question


New Member
The system is set up and works awsome but i cant figure out the timer. I used the program button and and it up to go off 4 times a day but it hasnt gone off at any of the set time and its on auto. Can anyone help
you said you set the off. did you set the on? you have to set the on and off. my first one is at 10:30 AM, 30 mins after the light turns off. the it turns off at 10:32 AM. Also make sure when it's programmed it shows every single abbreviation for each day of the week. When in programming mode press week repeatedly to get different day combinations.
One thing you could try is press the on/auto/off button until it hits on, auto, off, then back to auto. That may reset it. And I know in one of the timers I use when I change it I have to wait at least until the second cycle for it to register the on/off.
I actually just got mine, I don't know 100% that it will work. I know I can turn it on and off, but i hasnt hit any of the programmed cycles yet. I should have made a few just a few minutes later to test...
Mine is set to auto. Did you program the times correctly? WHen I first got mine i went to program it and mistakenly set it to spray for 23 hours and 57 mins. Just have to make sure you have all the times in line and it should be fine.
make sure you have days of the week set up properly too. YOu don't want to start Monday at 8am and turn off Sunday at 8:01am

I'd start fresh. Take a pen and press and hold reset for 30 sec. That should get you back to factory defaults. Then program your first time, but pay attention to ..
- am/pm
- days of the week (if you want same thing every day, then make sure all days of the week are highlighted for the ON and for the OFF)

make sure OFF is after your ON :p

let me know how you make out, but I'd start fresh with a reset first.
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