Mist king water reservoir temp during cold months


Do you heat your water resavoirs for your misting machines? I use a five gallon bucket and am wondering if I should heat the water during the cold months? My room temp in apartment can get down to 60. Should I heat it, and if so can I just use an aquarium heater in plastic bucket?
I use a large aquarium heater in my 5 gallon bucket. But my husband tells me by the time the water leaves the tank, goes out to each of 5 cages and then mist the cham it isn't warm any more. But it makes me feel better, so I do it.:D
The aquarium heater just kinda seems like a pain,for me anyway.
I've considered experimenting with a heat pad.
That being said, doesn't warm water = algae ?
I think I might just do nothing new for now 'cause it "ain't broke".
i just mist with room temp water, im sure they maybe would prefer warmer water but i cant heat the ammount of water im going through..and i agree with David Laurie, but as long as it makes you feel better then we are all happy :)
my cham doesn't really mind when I hand mist with warm water but when my mistking turns on he dips and hides under the foliage. I actually think hes basking less because of the mist but theres no way I can position it so it doesn't hit his basking spots
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