misters or foggers?


New Member
Would you recommend a mister or a fogger for the mesh enclosures? Also have a ficus tree in there? And what are the best systems?
Would you recommend a mister or a fogger for the mesh enclosures? Also have a ficus tree in there? And what are the best systems?
im pretty sure both will provide sufficient humidity for your chameleon. i bought a repti-fogger for 125 and it broke in under two months so i would stay away from that brand. a lot of people on this site prefer the mist king. and ficus are good. there is a list of plants on this website under where is says resources.
Both have their uses, but which might be better for you depends a lot on your local climate and how often you are around to hand spray. If you just need to provide drinking water and some humidity during the day when you aren't home, a mister would do that. If you live in an area where your home's humidity level is very low, using a mister alone may require that it run so often that it soaks everything too much. A fogger can "fill in the gaps" between misting cycles by raising the cage air humidity. You could also use a combination of hand spraying in morning and evening (for drinking) and a fogger cycling on and off with a timer during the rest of the day.

The little terrarium foggers can be fussy, hard to keep clean, and as they are usually put inside the cage, can be a hazard if your cham touches the reservoir while it is running. The unit creates fog by nebulizing water (very high frequency vibration). It produces some heat and electric current. It is much safer and more efficient to use a room humidifier set outside the cage and aim the fog with pvc or flexible pool tubing.

A mister will create larger water droplets and actually rain on the foliage. You'll have to work out some sort of drainage for the cage if you use it.
Mister! I've heard foggers can cause some problems for your cham.

Can you be a little more specific if you heard what the problems are? I have a fogger and I stopped using it for now. Originally i did have the fogger in the enclosure with the cham but then i just put it on top of it and the fog or w/e you'd like to call it would seep down.
I am so confused! This is my first cham and I keep getting conflicting information. But one thing that I am sure of is that the humidity is supposed to be 50%. I have a gauge at the bottom and the top of the enclosure, but even with the fogger, it never hits above 35 unless I mist. You can't sit and mist the cage all day. What do you do?
conflicting information?? lol welcome to chameleons, from my understanding the humidity should peak to around 80 but drop to around 50 for the rest of the day, the peak is 2-3 times a day.

:rolleyes:dont worry im sure tis will generate a thousand different answers though

increase ambient humidity by adding real plants or sealing off sides with shower curtain or similar

p.s where do you live 35% is pretty dry
just keep misting and make sure to mist for a long time not just 30sec more like 2-3min. if you really cant keep it up you can buy a humidifier at walmart for under 30 bucks, just make sure to get the cold ones not the warm.
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