So, my family and I are going away over spring break in March and, because I am looking at getting a mist king system sometime in the future anyway and they are so long-lasting, I had an idea that it would be effective to get one for my crested gecko sort of as a testing-phase with the bonus of making caring for my crestie easier for a sitter while I am away (and for the rest of my time with the system). I would only want to do this, though, if I could use it on a chameleon and crested gecko enclosure simultaneously, in which case, I think that I could rule out a panther chameleon in favour of a veiled. This is because, if I am not mistaken, crested geckos don’t have super different humidity needs compared to veileds so the main problem in getting both on propper humidity would only be that a chameleon enclosure is much larger and more ventilated. Would using multiple hoses on the cham’s enclosures while only one for the crestie achieve a balance or would they also have to be on different timers? I like to get my crested’s enclosure up to a low of 50 near the lamp, with the rest of the enclosure more humid. So, in short, would putting a veiled that is in a 24/24/48 screen enclosure and a crested gecko in a 12/12/18 glass-with-screen-top enclosure on to the same mist king be doable and/or cost-effective without having to play around with separating the two enclosures on to different timers? If not, then I think I will make do with hand-misting and drippers for my crested gecko and keep the mist king for the chameleon!