misting and sexing question


New Member
Hello, I am new and new to cams. I got my 3 week old veiled cam 3 days ago. Its a boo boo, the pet store ordered the wrong cam for me. I had to crash study about a viv for this baby. I was expecting pygmy's!! The pet store forgot to order pin head crickets for me as well. I have been collecting spit bugs in the grass, dust them and the baby loves them. Likes tiny green caterpillars too. Pin heads will be in next week. This baby is active, and appears very healthy to me. It enjoys hunting, eating and basking.

This baby doesn't seem to mind me watching him, and seems not to be too shy. I have only held him once for a few seconds. But when I mist the cage down with a warm mister, he turns brown and quickly hides. Hates it. Should I not spray the baby, or continue to slowly get him used to it.

Also its so tiny, when will I be able to tell if its a male or a female?

I live with 2 turtles, dragon, anolie, tree frogs, finches, yorki, Chihuahua, cattle dog, Aussie, Siamese cat, and the best husband in the world.

Looking forward to my new adventure and learning all about these amazing little creatures.

You'll be able to tell if it's a male or female when you can see spurs on the back of it's back feet.

3 weeks old is incredibly young. Hope it works out for you.

As far as spraying, most hate it, also depends on water temperature.
Mine don't have an option, as the misting system turns on, and if they're in the way, they get to run out.
Both my vields don't mind the misting if its turning brown good chance water temp may be too warm i usually fill my water bottle right after every use and let it sit at room temp instead of filling it every time i use it that way i know its not too cold or too hot
3 weeks old is really young 3 months is usually the age alot of pet stores get them and im pretty sure the spur on the hind feet should already be visible if it has no spur its a girl

Ok, thanks I read about the spurs, what age would that be? I thought I read somewhere 3 months.

I use hot water in the spray bottle. I tried it again and he seemed to like it this time. I have a automatic mister coming in the mail.

Yes, everything I read said not to start with tiny babies. I was not too thrilled when I found out the age, and that it was not pigmy's. I had already purchased a Exoterra and had it set up for a week. Lucky I had a extra tiny screen and plexi cage. After I set that up I realized that I could have used the exoterra for awhile anyway.
they grow fairly quick so shouldn't take too long, when i got my first one petco gave me all the wrong info so i had about $350 invested and pretty much had to start over luckily i ran into a breeder that lives in the next town over and she helped me in the right direction now i have 2 veileds and 2 jacksons with both females being gravid. Im still trying to come up with a good misting system but for now spray bottle works great and girlfriend dont work so gives her something to do during the day
I can tell this baby is already bigger in 3 days, eats all the time. Took me 2 hours to find green inch worms to feed. I am trying to be real careful what wild caught bugs I feed. I am glad I'm not the only one unprepared with wrong setup and food:)

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