Misting/dripper---really need both?


New Member
I received my little dripper and automatic misting machine on the same day. After purchasing RO water from the grocery store I am ready to set it up. The little dripper looked less daunting so I set it up first. Jack loves it! He seemed to know exactly what to do and has been sitting under it for about five minutes. With the amount of water it releases do I keep it dripping continuously during daylight hours? If so is there really a need for the misting machine? Seems like a lot of water going down the drain :)
Automatic mister will be needed in my opinion especially since he is probably wild caught. I would go for 4 minute mistings as the norm, and do an 8 minute misting in the beginning of the day. You generally have at least 3 mistings a day, but I can easily go to 6 without a problem. It depends on where you live.
Automatic mister will be needed in my opinion especially since he is probably wild caught. I would go for 4 minute mistings as the norm, and do an 8 minute misting in the beginning of the day. You generally have at least 3 mistings a day, but I can easily go to 6 without a problem. It depends on where you live.

Do you keep the dripper on all day along with the mistings?
I don't personally use a dripper. I mist enough that I don't have to. But if you mist only for three times a day I would keep the dripper on for about half the day cycle.
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