Misting in the evening


New Member
Hi I was just wondering if it is ok for a Chameleon to go to bed wet? I know it is bad when they are sleeping on fake vines and branches due to foot infections but I have never heard anything about it otherwise.
The reason I ask is because the way I have his misting cycles timed, the last one shuts off real close to when his basking light shuts off. Therefore, he doesn't have enough time to dry. I kind of like the idea of doing it this way because it helps me cool the temp in the cage right before night. Temperure drop is real important for Jackson chams at night which is what I have. If anyone can answer my question it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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ya the cage needs to be dry... the temps will go down naturaly ....since you turn ALL lights off for chams and keep them at around 65-70 ( rooms temp ) at night....it should cool down fine.
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