Misting On a Budget


Hello All-

Was wondering if there was a misting system that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg or if any one has built one on a budget (besidea poking a whole in cup).
Yeah $5 spray bottle. Repeat every 3hrs your awake.;) If you're spending the dough on a $100-$700 reptile though you should be able to afford the $100 mist system which you can then use to support your addiction down the road.
They sell drippers which hold either a half gallon or gallon of water. They can be purchased for around $10-15. In my book, that is inexpensive!
Nozzles are here Depending on what kind you want. Value are $14.25

You can get them from me or from one of the distributors. Most common are the single nozzles. Those should be stocked in few places.
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