misting question


New Member
I've tried to search the forums to see if it is possible to mist too much in a panther enclosure but I can't find a thing so I'm forced to make a new thread lol. So is it possible to mist way too much? I just added a second mistking nozzle in a adult cage and after my five minute session everything is pretty soaked.

As long as you have drainage systems.
And as long as you let the enclsore dry out between each misting and you havent got substrate.
And really, it also depends on the size of your enclsoure and what the enclosure is made out of.
I spray loads. I mean LOADS i just make sure that the water is drained away and the bottom of the enclosure is not flooded!
It's a 2x2x4 reptibreeze and everything does dry out, he just likes to get soaked lol and of worries me
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