Misting system


New Member
Does anyone know of a good misting system that isn't automatic? I want something that turns on when you plug it in, and turns off only when you turn it off?

All the mistking, etc. are programmed, which doesn't work in the system I want to setup
Well, just use the mistking without the timer. It'll turn on when you plug the pump in and turn off when you unplug the pump. There's a On/Off button on the timer too which essentially does the same thing. Just don't use the Auto feature on the timer.
I would suggest a system that gives you the option to manually turn on/off, or program. You will be surprised how plans change and you need to adjust your time or schedule. Many timers have manual on/off buttons, so your choices are not that limited.
The MistKing comes with a timer but you don't have to use it. You can just plug it in straight into the outlet. I bet the other systems are like that too.
Alright, if the mist king timer can be switched off, than that meets my needs.

I am in the process of implementing my own environment automation. I'm using an Arduino Uno with some humidity/temperature sensors to control the lights, heat lamp, misters, etc. Project I've been planning on doing for a long time, and now that I'm getting a cham soon, it can finally come to fruition.

Having a mister with the option of a timer is also really good, this way I have a backup system if my controller goes haywire
you cant really turn the timer off, but you just dont have to use it.

the mistking pump plugs into the timer, which plugs into the wall.
oh alright, thanks. I have not seen one in person yet, but that would probably fit my needs best.
oh alright, thanks. I have not seen one in person yet, but that would probably fit my needs best.

I love mine. I bought the mistking ultimate set up, whcih allows for the usage of 20 nozzles.

the pump is quieter than the water hitting the leaves in the cages.

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