misting times


New Member
just want to know how long does everyone run the mist, i have it set up at 9,12,2,4,6 and it last 7 minutes. is that fine?
As long as its drying out between mists then I cant see it being an issue. 7 minutes could be a bit excessive though. Maybe someone else could confirm?
I mist for 9 minutes at 8am, 7 minutes at noon, and 7 minutes at 4. Works well for me. I like a longer misting time because sometimes it takes my Cham a couple minutes to wander over to the mist. Sometimes he will stay under the mist the entire time. Other times he wants nothing to do with it.

Enclosure size 50" X 20" X 56", one pothos, one money tree small, plastic plants, 15 to 20 artificial vines. Misting king system three heads.

My misting times:

(lights on 7:00 am./off 7:00 pm.) 9:45 (2 min), 11:30 (30 sec.), 1:15(2 min), 3:30 (30 sec) 4:30 (2min), 6:15 (30 sec).

I recently added the 30 sec. bursts and lowered from 3min30sec to 2 mins and added the third misting head. I have better overall coverage, much less standing water in the enclosure, and have seen some improvement in his hydration.
7 minutes seems like alot. I go about 3 minutes. As long as you see him drinking and the cage is pretty well soaked then no need to over due it. JMO
i have found that i use a 15 sec spray then a 15sec delay then a 1min spray the first spray seems to let them know whats going on and by the time the second one comes on they are ready to drink. i do this almost every 3hrs and have done it this way for months and all have good urate in their poop so it seems to work for me
i have found that i use a 15 sec spray then a 15sec delay then a 1min spray the first spray seems to let them know whats going on and by the time the second one comes on they are ready to drink. i do this almost every 3hrs and have done it this way for months and all have good urate in their poop so it seems to work for me

This is how we have ours set up also. We havent had any issues with dehydration either. Id rather have not enough that too much moisture, I think. A delicate balance for sure :)
I mist four times a day for my melleri. An hour after lights up they get 20 minutes. a couple of hours later I mist for 5 minutes and then again for 5 minutes a couple hours later. About 1.5 hours before lights start to cycle off there is another 20 minute session.

Chameleons need a good drink and a good soak in order to clean their eyes. short little sprays don't help them very much. Remember where they come from and how much rain they get each day. We need to emulate that as much as we can.
I'm with Summoner on this one, I have a similar schedule.

20 mins in the morning, two 5 minute mistings later in the day, and a final 15 minute one a couple hours before lights out.

It might take mine 1-2 minutes to decide they do want water and go wash their eyes our or drink or whatnot. I rather give them a lot more time than less.
I'm curious how those of you that are using much longer misting times (15-20 min) are aquiring your water (filtration?) and what type of reservoir you use?

I use a 5 gal. paint bucket w/lid from Lowe's, and use roughly 3 gal. per week of distilled water from Wal-Mart for Caesar alone. I have other pets that use foggers and misters as well. The use of distilled water on my part is to prevent clogging or buildup in both misters and foggers.
me personally... I dont use distilled water. In my area the water is great out of the taps (I cant say the same for some american areas as I can smell the stench even when brushing my teeth). I then have a huge pot that I boil and then lit it sit for a bit until I pour into my reservoir.
Remember where they come from and how much rain they get each day. We need to emulate that as much as we can.

Except you don't seem to realize that the amount you mist daily is equal to about 1/2 the monthly amount they get in Madagascar monthly between April - October. It's also pretty close to the amount of rain that Veileds see naturally between June - November.

Now, I agree since you have a mellers you'll want to kick up the misting a bit more then the typical veiled/panther, but a 20 minute misting session is never necessary.
I mist four times a day for my melleri. An hour after lights up they get 20 minutes. a couple of hours later I mist for 5 minutes and then again for 5 minutes a couple hours later. About 1.5 hours before lights start to cycle off there is another 20 minute session.

Chameleons need a good drink and a good soak in order to clean their eyes. short little sprays don't help them very much. Remember where they come from and how much rain they get each day. We need to emulate that as much as we can.

I'm with Summoner on this one, I have a similar schedule.

20 mins in the morning, two 5 minute mistings later in the day, and a final 15 minute one a couple hours before lights out.

It might take mine 1-2 minutes to decide they do want water and go wash their eyes our or drink or whatnot. I rather give them a lot more time than less.

i respect what you decide to do with your chams esspecially if they are all healthy and happy, but i know what i am doing is working just fine out of the 9 chams all running on the same schedual none of them have shown signs of dehydration, it fact they have some huge white urates... so for now ill do it my way, always like to hear the differences tho..
cheers :D:D

Except you don't seem to realize that the amount you mist daily is equal to about 1/2 the monthly amount they get in Madagascar monthly between April - October. It's also pretty close to the amount of rain that Veileds see naturally between June - November.

Now, I agree since you have a mellers you'll want to kick up the misting a bit more then the typical veiled/panther, but a 20 minute misting session is never necessary.

I'm not sure what your point was here...? Are you suggesting we need to mist MORE? :D
suggested timing intervole for mist king

Just purchused a mist king system at the Red Deer repti show in alberta, Canada. Just woundering what is a good intervole for misting. How many times a day? How many secounds? I mist him right now three to four times a day by hand. I don't know how many secounds = how much water. Any suggestions on a good timing intervole
i run mine for about 1min every 2 hours, at lunch time i have a 15sec spray the 15sec pause then a 1 min spray they seem to like it alot
I have mine set for 5 min in the morning (it gets kinda dried out overnight), then two more times throughout the day at around 2 min each, and one more for 5 min about an hour and a half before the lights go out. But that's just where I live. Took me a little while of fine tuning to get it dialed in. I'd recommend a drainage system for excess water
i run the same intervals for my veiled and multituberculata, and both thrive with this amount. never a case of dehydration, and even my hardy two-horn does great in it.

10 minutes half hour after lights on

5 minutes around 2

10 minutes half hour before lights out

gives sufficient dry outs, and long enough times for chameleons to drink if they want. my hibiscus and umbrellas arent drowning, and ive never had a need for dripper even though i have one anyways. been working for me since i've had it about a year
I'm new at this but I'm thinking misting intervals will vary (even somewhat greatly) due to region and custom requirements.
I live in a very dry hot area.
I use a drip and a mistking
Currently I'm going 3 mins every 2 hours between 8am and 6pm.
My humidity is about 50 and my cage is near dry.
I'm going to tweak it down to 2 1/2 minutes and look at the results
Good luck to you.
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