Misting Verse Rain System?-HELP


New Member
I am a new "Veiled Chameleon to be" owner. I have done lots of research, and designed my own cage. I have one big questions to ask before buying my Veiled. "Is a rain system good enough or should I also buy a misting system like the one from Mist King?"

Reason: I designed a rain system with a pump and landscape tubing for under $40 hooked up to a timer for three or four times day but it gives off rain drops and not "true-mist". I also have a variety of live plants to keep the humidity at the appropriate level and a Dripper for drinking.

I know I can simply mist the little guy a couple of times a day by a "hand-sprayer" but I am concerned since I work long days as a teacher (6:00 AM to 7:00 PM).

Please let me know.
After about a year and a half of hand misting, I finally got a mistking.
When I did hand mist it was light and gentile, mimicking more like rain thin a fine mist.
All drank fine.
Now I only mist the sides of the cages to help with humidity with my quads.

I will say this, my new baby quad does drink from the leaves, but he does love it when I hand mist above him (in a fine mist) and turns his head up to catch the mist in his open mouth.

Don't sweat it. It sounds like you at least prepared yourself for what your new animal needs and you should be proud of yourself for that.

Good luck and keep asking questions on anything. We are hear to help.

Thanks Harry for the help. Sounds like for now I am good with the "Rain-System", Dripper and some sporadic hand misting?
Thanks Harry for the help. Sounds like for now I am good with the "Rain-System", Dripper and some sporadic hand misting?

You are going to be more then good to go with your setup.
I will say this...if you get a baby, you won't even need the dripper until s/he is about 8 months old.
Misting alone will be fine and won't drown the little guy. :)

Btw, if you don't already have a chameleon all ready lined up, then there are a few with babys now or will be ready shortly for sale.
Babies from most members here are far better then what is out there and I'm willing to help find a baby for you if needed.


Edit: and don't forget drainage for all that water at the bottom of the cage.
I talked to FL Chams and really liked their Bloodlines for their Veils, and they seemed to be reasonable with price. What are your thoughts?
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