Misting water temperature MAX ???


New Member
Rango, our sub adult Ambanja, is doing great, enjoying a life of leisure, eating, drinking, becoming very socialized and also enjoying the Florida weather outside almost daily in a separate enclosure.

Inside, we keep our house at a comfortable 72 degrees and with heat bulbs, his enclosure is balanced between the upper basking levels, mid levels and the cooler, sleeping area at the bottom of the 53 inch tall enclosure.

I use a Mistking system, coming on 4 times per day for 2 minute cycles to keep the humidity close to the upper levels.

QUESTION? Just how warm SHOULD the misting water be...OR can it be TOO WARM?

My misting "holding tank" is 3 GALLON RubberMaid container and fits nicely "out of sight" inside our entertainment center.

I measured this temp with a digital thermometer and it is 75 degrees.

When Rango gets misted with this "inside" water, he immediately scurries out of the way, although he will come back adfter the cycle ends and drink from the wet leaves.

Outside, I use a Habba system and the water in that system maintains at about 95 degrees (measured in the shade, also with a digital thermometer).

He LOVES this misting and will sit under it each hour for each of the 45 second intervals.

Today, I bought a small ZooMed, adhesive backed aquarium heating pad and put it on top of the Rubbermaid container.

I did a trial run to measure the pad temperature and it measures 110-112 degrees.

I can always create a space between the heating pad and the container (air space) to decrease the overall temperature, but I suspect that over short period of time, the misting water temp wil reach the pad temperature.

Any comments on just how high the misting water temp can/should actually (and comfortably) be?

110 sounds a little HOT to me.

Tampa, FL
As long as the actual mist isnt too hot, its fine. The water tends to cool down quite a bit as mist. Skin temp is as warm as I would let the mist get personally.
I use to heat my water to 75 , Norman ran every time, since I've stopped and it is room temp, he sits there now
Fortunately, my MistKing is not set to come on again until tomorrow morning at 10:30AM.

That will give me time to take the water temp again several times before ir comes on.

I'm hoping it will NOT get as warm as the heating pad, but I have tricks up my sleeve to keep the temps down to a comfortable level.

My goal is to make sure the outside Habba water temps are close to the inside MistKing.

I just hate to see Rango running for cover while inside. He really DOES like the warm mist outside!

The things we do for our CHAMS!!!!!

Tampa, FL
I was wondering the same thing. My girl hates when i mist her. I use hot tap water, but when it's misted it's a bit cold even for me(I haven't measured the temperature). Can the water be too hot for a chameleon?
My MistKing only runs for 2 minute cycles and the enclosure is DRY in between mistings...I don't think bacteria is an issue here.

I would also think that a "warmer" mist would also keep the humidity a tad higher as well, at least for a little longer.

+ I keep the enclosure clean of droppings.

Tampa, FL

PS: I'll go so far as to measure the temperature of the mist if I have to.

Obviously, Rango like a warmer mist than I have been providing him while inside.
Warm is fine, but keep in mind that, because they are cold blooded, warm to us is hot to them. That's why I said (human) skin temp is the warmest I would go.
After ~ 5 hours, the temperature in the rubbermaid container is now onlly 75 degrees.

That IS NOT what I expected, but it is surprizingly lower instead. I won't use it until I get the temps in the low to mid 80's. That should be a comfortable and SAFE level.

I'll check it again tomorrow morning before the MistKing comes on.

The proof will be when Rango gets his first misting. If he runs away, I'll make adjustments. If he stays under it, I'll leave it alone.

Tampa, FL
After ~ 5 hours, the temperature in the rubbermaid container is now onlly 75 degrees.

That IS NOT what I expected, but it is surprizingly lower instead. I won't use it until I get the temps in the low to mid 80's. That should be a comfortable and SAFE level.

I'll check it again tomorrow morning before the MistKing comes on.

The proof will be when Rango gets his first misting. If he runs away, I'll make adjustments. If he stays under it, I'll leave it alone.

Tampa, FL

Did he end up running away? I'm debating if I should heat the water too
I am here in Minnesota, so temps in fall and winter go down. I actually use an aquarium water heater to heat my water reservoir (3 gal. mistking system) upto 90 deg. F.

My jacksons chameleon seems to like that. earlier room temp water would make him run away and hide. Now-a-days he will stay and get misted.

My 3 gal reservoir runs out every 2 weeks, so at that time, I take it out, give it a good cleaning, and fill it up again.
Can get ro water really cheap and easily, would that be fine for the cham? It's from the local aquarium centre
Can get ro water really cheap and easily, would that be fine for the cham? It's from the local aquarium centre

Yeah, I have done that. my Local Aquarium Store charges 48 cents a gallon for RO water. I would never use local Minneapolis tap water. The water here is V. Hard.
Yeh its really hard here as well, and hopefully my mistaking should arrive tomorrow so I can set it up.
What do people use as watering schedule? I like 4times a day for 5mins?

Also do you put polythene down the sides to contain the splashes?
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