Misting ..


New Member
my question is if misting one time a day is too litle ? Because I ususally mist two times a day but there are days that the humidity just stays high pretty much all day, so I don't mist if the humidity goes down to 50 or 60. My cham looks hydrated with good urates and nice looking eyes :) but I always wonder if he is getting enough water.
You answered yourself haha his eye, urates, and looks hydrated. Sounds fine to me. I know that the misting is very helpful when it comes to shedding. Humidity staying consistant is not a GREAT thing....you definitely want a drop to dry out a bit. What kind of Cham do you have? Cage?
I would definitely not suggest misting once a day, the minimum I would suggest is 3 times. How long do you mist? How long till the cage drys out? Is it a screen cage or a glass/plastic.?

I also agree that one-two times a day is not sufficient enough. Do you atleast have a dripper going for a couple hours in the morning? Also what kind of cage do you have and how big? That will give me a better idea of how big of an area you are hydrating.
It's hard to say if he should most more. If his humidity is staying high misting could take it even higher and cause issues. It's hard to say what he should do without seeing his set up.
Thank for your replies guys .. well I have a panther chameleon .. He is in a screencage 18*18*36 and he has a live plant fake plant and vines


He does have a driper going on .. but for example the humidity this morning was at 70% and I just mist the cage a bit ... I usually mist heavily in the nornings lets say for 5 minutes and then depending in the humidity I mist or not again
I think if you moved the cage away from the wall it would drop your humidity some and allow you to mist more then once a day. With it being in the corner like that, it's like having those two sides of the cages covered to trap humidity. Which isn't a bad idea- but I'd just move it away so you can have a drop in humidity and be able to spray more.

Nice set up btw :)
I think if you moved the cage away from the wall it would drop your humidity some and allow you to mist more then once a day. With it being in the corner like that, it's like having those two sides of the cages covered to trap humidity. Which isn't a bad idea- but I'd just move it away so you can have a drop in humidity and be able to spray more.

Nice set up btw :)

Mmm it makes totally sense what you said. I never thought about that hehe .. I will give it a try this weekend since I'm going to clean the cage. And thank you for the compliment :)
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