Mistking FAILURE


New Member
Just bought a mistking and finally decided to set it up when i put the wrong tube into the wrong port hole, little did i know there are little rings inside the ports that absolutely make it impossible to pull out, but with my brute strength i pulled it out and now when i try to run the mist king, the tube wont stay in because the pressure. what do i do?
I have a mistking but haven't had this problem. I suggest you email Marty for advice. He is a site sponsor.:)
i put mine together backward not paying attention to the big arrow that says flow and ended up pushing air into the bucket lol

ok, there is a part that kinda goes in and out with the tube inside the hole.. push that in and then pull the tube out instead of stripping it right out. if you have the room to give, cut off the stretched out part. it kinda work by a push pull method.. you push the tubing in all the way in and then pull it back out to lock it in place
you have to push the safety valve forward and then pull the hose out...its a safety lock

by using brute force you may have broken the lock...thus rendering it useless
The 'Safety Locks' are called Collets and you have stripped one out by using 'brute force'.

Here is the link to buy new ones.


As you have probably figured, the collets are there to make sure the tubing stays in place and you dont have leaks. The instructions detail this out for future reference.
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