where there any deals on the ultimate value misting system? I want to pick one up but am wondering if I should wait until pomona? Couldnt get down to SD.
Ok. I placed my order online then. I noticed the city and zipcode somehow defaulted to an incorrect one on my shipping address, billing address is fine. I sent an email to the info@mistking email that I got my receipt from to hopefully fix the issue. Or else who knows where it will end up. haha
awesome thanks. Cant wait to set up the new misting system for my 2 adult cages. the one I have now (wont mention names) isnt worth the hassle that it creates. I also am looking forward to the programmable timer! I work 40+ hours a week and usually run home on my lunch to do things. Maybe now I can run and get some actual lunch instead! haha.
Hi Marty,
I submitted contact via your website regarding issues I am having with your timers. I never heard back and was discussing with Josh's Frogs so they gave me your direct email contact. I emailed you my issues and still never heard back still weeks later.
I had no choice but to buy new timers of a different brand. But I'd appreciate hearing from you about my technical issues.
really... email me again at mart[at]mistking.com and we will figure this out. As a rule, if you don't hear with me within a day, email me again (unless I'm traveling). I changed the way I do email so now every email should be answered as long as it ends up in my inbox. Let me know and I'll take care of it for you.
really... email me again at mart[at]mistking.com and we will figure this out. As a rule, if you don't hear with me within a day, email me again (unless I'm traveling). I changed the way I do email so now every email should be answered as long as it ends up in my inbox. Let me know and I'll take care of it for you.

OK sent again yesterday. Let me know if you don't get it please.
I emailed you at 8:26am today, check your spam folder if you're not getting my messages
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