Mistking times??


New Member
Hey all, I just got my Mistking for my 2x2x4 cage that I am setting up for my 9 month old panther cham. I have a Schefflera arboricola tree in there for him. I am also in the process of putting a lot of fake vines in there for him. But back to the Mistking. I live in Statesboro, Georgia (south georgia) its usually pretty hot but I keep the room at a normal temp and humidity. His cage has the usual hot and cold spots along with 50% humidity. Does anyone have a suggestion for what times I should have my Mistking turn on and off and for how long? I have a pretty junky drainage system so please keep in mind that I would not like a flood in my room :D
Any and all help would be appreciated!
I mist my chams 4 times a day for 3 minutes each. Others here do it for much longer but my chams drink and are well hydrated just from this amount. I think it just depends on your chams and how long it takes them to drink after the mistings begin. I had mine going for much longer and decided to cut back just to experiment and I found this to be my sweet spot. Experiment yourself and see what works for you. :)
It depends on your cage, room, and age of the chams too. I prefer shorter times, more often. Every 2 hours my misters go off for 45sec - 1 min from 9am-7pm (5 times/day).

I experimented with longer mistings (and most people do the longer ones), but the first time I was doing 3min mistings 2 times a day, and 4 shorter mistings, I lost a girl to too much fluid in her lungs.

After a few months I thought 'It was probably a fluke.' So with a watchful eye I tried 2 minute mistings in the mornings and 1 minute mistings throughout the day.

Surely enough, 1 male and 2 of my females started to show the same signs of breathing issues after 3 days of this.

So it depends on your situation. If I had only adults, all outside, with tons of airflow, and bigger cages, I would do 30 minute mistings. But because I have some big cages, some small cages, some adults, some juvies...I find that 1 minute is the sweet spot for my situation.

If I feel they need some more hydration, I hand spray them individually.
Definetly depends on your situation, youll just have to find what works for you. Id say definetly have it come on shortly after lights on, like 30min after. This way they can hydrate up, and there mouth/toungue can be ready for eating.
Mine is about 8-9 months. He has never been much of a drinker in the first place. When I had a big dripper and did hand mists, I only saw him drink in the mornings but then again I am not there 100% of the time to see. I have also noticed that when I did hand mistings that he would almost cower from it as if he didnt know what was happening. I think I am gonna start doing a lot of mistings throughout the day for short periods of time and maybe some hand misting if he seems like he needs it. I really dont want to fill his lungs with fluid or anything like. I hope he gets used to it after a while instead of cowering from it but if its coming from above, maybe he will think we moved to a rainy part of the world :p
Thanks for the tips!
I noted that my Jackson just either closes his eyes the entire duration of the spray or retreats. Sometimes his color even changes dark and I can tell he really does not favour the mist especially something as powerful as the MistKing. It really does blast the cage with high intensity water so my cham gets frightened. Observing him during the sessions, I noted he does not care to drink the water. I have installed a dripper system as well with "drip vines" which shower the cage 4-5 hours every morning. He uses that to drink. Therefore, I simply use the MistKing for humidity purposes and not for him drinking. The schedule is to turn on once every 3 hours for 30 seconds just to maintain a proper humidity. Other than that, I don't really ever run it for more than 30 seconds.
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