Misty the Cristatus update <Trace> <Sohumvet>


New Member
Heres a pic of Misty in Spec Ops camo. #2.jpg

To update, misty is the survivor of a four chameleon Group I got on two orders from First choice Reptiles. She has been with me a little over a month.

I had another fecal check on Misty and it came up positive for a parasite but it took them a while to find it. The vet said She could treat it with panacure. On her request, I have ordered a gram weight scale to weigh her in preparation for the possibility of treating her with various medications. That same afternoon, I got a medicine in the mail called Reptaid. I got it confused with Repta-Aid the dietary suppliment. Apparently Reptaid is a organic medicine that claims among other things to help with internal parasites. Most of you already know this. I didnt.:eek:

Misty has had her second shower last night and seems fine this morning. She has regular... I guess (every 2 days approx) bowel movements and is eating but isnt voracious in her appetite.
I dont want to keep messing with her as she has only been with me for a month or so. What exactly is the settle in duration for a delicate species such as cristatus? I dont want to stress her out needlessly with undue handling or unnecessary chemicals.

Origin: WC (via First Choice Reptiles)
Housing: 30x30x18 screen cage
Hydration: constant drip plus 2x mist per day / humidity 60 % < low 54% in early morning high 72% after misting> (humidifier active in their room) 1x 20 to 30 minute (84 degree F) per day shower. 20 minutes in room (75 to 80 degrees F) after water is off
Feeding: crickets and waxworms
Lighting: 50 watt incandescent 5.0 UVB bulb plus 12 inch flourescent UVB
Temps: 75 to 80 in day / - Daytime basking 80 - cage lower area is 75 / Nightime 72 to 65 .
Yeah Reptaid and Repta-Aid are two very different things. I’m not entirely convinced the Reptaid does everything it claims but it’s not a bad product to use. It is made from completely natural ingredients and it will not hurt your chameleon. These will add some valuable nutrients and boost their immune system that been compromised through the importation process and/or poor husbandry. Yes this will make the debilitated animal feel and look better. Do I think it kills all internal parasites? No. Can a healthy animal (or one that’s starting to feel better because of its use) handle a small parasite load? You bet. It’s a subtle difference.

Panacur is a very safe drug to use and it can’t really be overdosed if anyone makes any mistakes in dose calculation. It does need to be given in intervals though; usually once right away (kills the adult worms) and a follow-up dose in 2 weeks that kills anything that was in the egg stage in that first dose. Sometimes a third dose can be given 2 weeks after that but they may be overkill so talk to you vet about that. Panacur acts as an appetite suppressant so do not be alarmed if she doesn’t eat for a day or two after dosing. It can be hard on their kidneys as well so make sure she gets plenty of water throughout those few weeks.

She looks okay though. Her eyes are bulgy and her colours are bright. I don’t see any abrasions or sores. Those nice colours are a leave me alone pattern. The cristatus are VERY shy so I would add some more plants (real or plastic although real helps to increase humidity better) to her cage to offer more spots to hide. The cristatus are also what I call extremely ungrateful; most chameleons are hands off kind of pet but the cristatus take it to a whole other level. Not mean like a Veiled or anything just... ungrateful. Your Jax will appear gregarious compared to the cristatus. As I mentioned on the other thread they aren’t big eaters so don’t panic if she doesn’t eat pounds of bugs a day. I fed mine 6 bugs every other day or so? I don’t really have a set schedule but if there are bugs left over from yesterday then I don’t feed today kind of thing. I haven’t met a chameleon that turns down a regular House Fly so look around for those. I think some of out sponsor sell flies. Dusting some prey items in powdered Spirulina (found in most health food stores) turns any insect into an irresistible green colour and may trick the chameleon into eating an otherwise unrecognized insect.

I think you are on the right track with her. Keep us posted though!
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Thanks for the detailed response. Just now after an extended hand misting of her cage, she drank quite a bit of water and worked her tounge a few times then surprisingly she tagged a huge cricket and sat there with it in her mouth I think surprised at how big it was lol.:D
She hasnt been eating many crickets and refused her meal and wax worms this morning. She is varying her diet and "hunting" so to speak by taking that large cricket. I know this detail will sound droll to some but after watching three of the cristatus wither and die, it is wonderful to see one eating and drinking!:)

Oh yeah, I will try to get some flies that is a great idea. Thanks.
good news

Trace, Trillian,

Misty has improved greatly over the past week or so. I have decided not to pursue the panacur treatment <for the present> as she is doing so well and the vet had to really look a long time to even find one single parasite . I should get the gram scale tomorrow by UPS so ill start weighing her . She is eating crickets more often and has taken her first 40 minute shower sitting in her new shefflera bush. She is making stool very regularly and her eyes look great. Also today, she started wearing her low stress light green outfit more often. I think she appreciates not being disturbed as much as possible so ill not snap a pic just now. I hope you all had a great holiday! Thanks for the continuing interest! I hope to find her a new potential mate asap. I have a 18x18x36 cage ready. If either of you know of any leads on obtaining a male cristatus, other than first choice reptiles, i'd like to know.

Thanks Sohumvet.


Yes , Ill send Chad at Tikki Tikki an email to see if the latest shipment ever arrived! It was delayed last week. :)
Well that’s good news! Awesome. I hope she continues to improve and keep us posted.

Chances are the cristatus you get from Tiki will be wild caught as well and thus fraught with the same problems you had with the others. I’m not sure were he gets his stock so don’t be shy about asking how long they’ve been in the country, their origins, their overall health etc. However the service will be better than First Choice if you run into problems.

Oh and Thanksgiving is in October. ;) :D


Thanks for the info. Lol:D oh yeh second Monday of October ;). I havent bought a cham from Tiki Tiki yet but I almost did. Chad was very honest in declining a sale a while back due to the Cham not looking healthy. I had ordered one and when they checked on it the morning it was to be shipped, it looked sick. That was about three weeks ago. Their re-supply shipment has been delayed since then. I guess ill wait till Monday and email Chad again what with the holiday and black friday it is a little hectic in the lower 48.
Oh she is looking good......love this species

Cant go wrong with Chad n Darcie...they'll make sure you get a good cham.

I got 2 wc montiums a few months ago and Im holding off on treating for parasites until they've fully settled in...why cause more stress then needed..... Both are dong great so Im optimistic on their overall acclimation....
good luck n keep the pics coming!!

Just a quick update. Misty is doing great and is eating all crickets . She wont touch her waxworms or mealworms. She now has a shefflera bush in her cage in addition to the pothos and her sand bucket. Pretty crowded lol.:eek:
Just a quick update. Misty is doing great and is eating all crickets . She wont touch her waxworms or mealworms. She now has a shefflera bush in her cage in addition to the pothos and her sand bucket. Pretty crowded lol.:eek:

So many montanes prefer a cage so crowded with foliage you can't find them to spy on them! If you are lucky you'll catch an eye moving around.:D

True that. Every now and then the sound of a cricket getting tagged lets me know shes still in there lol.;)
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