Moldy soil?......

I completely agree. In fact, I do lightly fertilize my plants as well. It is good to hear that you have first hand experience with it and no problems. Do you use the organic miracle gro or the "main" stuff?

Potting soil. It's formulated to retain moisture so don't over water it. I still cover it with 1/2" sand.

To the OP,

I tried the organic soils as well because philosophically thats the approach I wanted but in the end had more problems with bugs than it was worth. Chams were happy either way. When cleaning your plant if you go that route, use lots of isopropyl alcohol sprayed generously on the plant.
when i added my plant to my cham enclosure, i removed 2-3 inches of the organic soil and added bio earth over the top. haven't had a problem with mold...see if that helps :)
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