Momma my Quad has a mounth issue?? w/pics

also i found this article, for antone interested
@ ferrit it talks alittle about cleaning, do you think the methodes described would be a good idea??
this part

quoted from above article

"Flush the mouth with the dilute solution of 1% povidone-iodine or a 0.25%-0.5% solution of chlorhexidine diacetate.[1] Debride using the curettes or tweezer. The resultant cavity must be checked to ensure removal of all the material. Any loose detritus should be swabbed away with a swab dipped in the dilute solution. Once the plaques are removed, the mouth should be flushed again. The animal is then started on a course of antibiotics. (See Table 1.)"
Yes that article is good one. I was actually going to suggest dilute iodine or chlorhex. :) Mineral oil is a bad idea because it will soften the tissues but not come off easily and could help actually trap the bacteria in their preferred environment. Also if she accidentally aspirates any it could be deadly. Hydrogen peroxide shouldn't be used in open wounds because it can actually kill the cells that are coming in and trying to heal. Hydrogen peroxide used to be the go-to wound cleaner but it definitely not anymore. It's only good in the very beginning when there is a lot of debris and dead tissue before the healing phase starts. Your girl is already in the healing phase so that would actually not help you.

The other two are good are not damaging healthy cells and creating a less favorable environment for bacteria. Just try to use small amounts and hold her with her head lower than the rest of her body when you flush so it doesn't drain into her mouth where she has to swallow it.

Beware, iodine (even dilute) stains things badly. Especially jewelry.
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thankyou ferrit, i think i will be going the iodine route. any suggestions as to the dilutation ratio?
thx for the staining tips, but id stain whatever it takes to make her healthy jewerly and all!;)
i will update tomorrow after work as to how thing went and are looking.
( my gf should be home with camera so ill try and get some pics )

thanks again
so today was a good day..

first off so far i have been giving her antibiotics twice a day for the last 5 days and i have noticed the infection has seemed to be looking dryer and less sore,
so i decided to give mommas mouth a good cleaning, with iodine. it was difficult todo by myself holdinher with one hand and cleaning with the other.
i took a damp qtip and gently rubbed the area in a forward direction, breaking the sore and pushing out a sizable pc of puss,and scab material, there was a bit of blood but once i pushed it and the puss away all looked very good.
i then took a 1% solution of iodine and using a eye dropper held her head at a downward angle and rinsed the entire area. then a rinse with water. the mouth and lip look almost normal right now after the cleaning.
through out the whole process momma was unbelivably cooperative and made things go way smoother then i expected.
after i was finished and released her back to her home, she seemed very happy and gave what i can only call a look of gratitude.
after givin her only 5min to relax i decided to offer her a butterworm ( with her medicine on it ) and she eagerly took it from my hand.
so right now things are looking alot better only time will tell so pls keep those finger x'd and thank you so much for all the well wishes and help.

so i just thought i would put up a pic of last monday and one from today to show the progress.

last monday

and thismorning

she is still eating like normal and seems to be her good ole self, just needs a bit more time and care.
You just keep it up, momma needs you.:) She is looking better. Sorry you are having so much fun doing the clean out and treatment alone.
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thx all, it has been alot of dilligance to get her this far, and i guess thats is a point worth mentioning, i feel that diligance is the key here, i have been giving her medicine twice a day like clockwork and keeping things so clean i woud lick the cage. i feel without being as commited as i have been that the results would not have been as positive.
not trying to pat myself on the back just wanting to convey the importance of giving the meds on the perscribed schedual so they can do what they are intended to do and keeping things extra clean to avoid any other issue while healing.
thanks for all the help
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