Monsoon mister and Jackson cagey


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i have a Jackson about 5" long in a 18X12X20 screened cage. I am using a fogger and a 13W UVB and 60W heat lamp.

I purchased the Exo Terra monsoon rs400 becasue my humitity is low- about 60% -- temp is fine at 75 degrees.

I am having a hard time adjusting the monsoon nozzle so the mist does not soak my cabinet. I am also unsure how long and often to mist each day,

Chameleon looks good, is eating and I am slowing acclimating him to his new surroundings and his new family

but i need to get humidity right

Should i use only one nozzle-- where to place it, etc

I am sorry to tell you this but the Monsoon is a piece of crap. If there is any way you can return it I would. I bought one a couple years ago and it worked fine for a few months and then it stopped. The timer would not work and the dial to set the length of spray time would only work if it was all the way up. One thing it does have is a good warranty so the company replaced it. The second one would not work right out of the box, so I got a 3rd with pretty much the same result. I misted my chameleons for about 2 minutes 4 times during the daylight hours.

I scrapped it (actually gave it away to a friend that keeps snakes and did not need it to work but once a day). I bought an Aquazamp with a raindome. I chose the Aquazamp over the Mistking because it has a stronger pump and can run more nozzles. I think either choice would be fine. The Aquazamp with raindome actually went through more water but there was less drainage because the mist is finer and stays in the plants and actually does raise the humidity. The timer is much better as well and can accommodate a variety of intervals and durations.
Get the basic mistking setup for $100. It's an excellent product. The basic setup can run up to 10 nozzles I believe. It's easy to set up and program down to the second how long you want it to run. Great product. People are very happy with aquazamp too. Good luck. I've found that buying the right tool for the job the first time is well worth the effort and money.
One thing to think about is, with the aquazamp raindome it keeps the water from over spaying out of the cage.

I really like my aquazamp and so does my cham. The one thing I can say is a minus for me is it does take up room on top of the cage.
Well I already have the Monsoon-- can't take it back - so for now I am using one nozzle 2 minutes every 4 hours and lamps on for 13 hours.

I will see how this works with the fogger for a week.

Temp is steady 75 during day and 55-60 at night.
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