Monsoon or Super Rain

Make sure and get the line cutter, it won't hold pressure correctly if the lines don't have a nice clean cut. Zip drip is nice as well.

I got a good 9 months out of my monsoon until the pump became unable to pump water anymore lol.

Be smart buy a misting system ONCE that works FOREVER!
it could be cheeper to DIY I made my system for like $80. you can get a fountian pump and rig it with lawn sprinkler conections to create a nice rain system.. you doo need to get a digtal timer as well.
Make sure and get the line cutter, it won't hold pressure correctly if the lines don't have a nice clean cut. Zip drip is nice as well.

A sharp razor blade works just as well as the cutter, cheaper too! ;)

Zip drip is nice, but I dont think its necessary... Mines in the cabinet lol
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