monster veiled


New Member
my guy showing off his big mouth and short temper.....5 and half months old now with promising colours......


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i bought him 2 months old and it was 28 of if the guy who was selling me the cham was telling the truth then he's about a little less than 6 months old. lets say he's 6 months old.....
thanks a lot... i took a video where he rammed my hand while take a video of him....not sure how i can post videos though....
If you look at the video contest, I have a video of my 2 veileds. the male is the one I'm talking about. You can also see him in my albums.
very nice cham my friend....hes got a lot of nice black colour and bright yellow....18 months old right??
yes i do.....i was feeding this guy non stop for 3 months straight....he kept eating and eating so i kept giving and giving...i gave him crickets, super worms, silkworms or hornworms each day.

- crickets i dust with calcium and fed them cricket crack
- hornworms i feed green tomatoes
- silkworms i feed mulberry leaves fresh from the tree outside
- fed him some silkworm moths and hopefully some hornworm moths soon as well if they hatch.
I also fed my dude like crazy, but your guy is insane how big he is. He's even got his adult colors. This is my dude at about 6 months old:
hahaha nice looking fella. mine is definitely a lot bigger than that.....i got him at about 2 inches big.!
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