Montane chameleons

If you use a 40 watt bulb during the day, what do you use at night?

A 40 watt may give you a good basking site and it may not depending on the situation. What you want is to creat a basking site that is around 85 degrees so you may be able to use less wattage or may need more.

As for night you dont use anything. I keep my chams in a room where the central air is blocked off so it gets as cold as possible. Right now its getting down to about 60 degrees at night in the room and once all the lights come on it warms it up to mid 70s. The lower the night drop the better. I wouldnt mind seeing mid 50s in the room but I am still getting a good drop.
A 40 watt may give you a good basking site and it may not depending on the situation. What you want is to creat a basking site that is around 85 degrees so you may be able to use less wattage or may need more.

As for night you dont use anything. I keep my chams in a room where the central air is blocked off so it gets as cold as possible. Right now its getting down to about 60 degrees at night in the room and once all the lights come on it warms it up to mid 70s. The lower the night drop the better. I wouldnt mind seeing mid 50s in the room but I am still getting a good drop.

i agree with Jared. The key to the size watt bulb you use it the temp needed for your cham. Even with montanes, the temp varies. My quads go to 60 or just slightly below at night, and daytime basking is about 70 to 72. But they can get of temps of 65 during the day if they want.

Again you have to work with what your cham needs. If it gets too cold at night use a heat emitter. They are ceramic and do not put out light. But be careful as they get very hot to the touch.
I use a 65w for mine (I leave it a little way up from the cage) to get the basking around 84 but light at night is probably not the best as Laurie said use a heat emmitter if it gets to cold (around 40's depending on the species) my temps trop to mid 60's. But make sure it doesn't get to hot at night.
he will be just fine at night.

If it gets below 50 at night, then get a ceramic heat emitter.

it screws in like a regular light bulb, but it doesnt emit any light.


they really do need darkness to sleep.
Depending where you live and like how the temperature is during the day in your house is what helps you decide what watt bulb to get. My chameleon is in my room. My room is about 74-77 degrees during the day. I have a 60 watt bulb which brings the basking spot area between 78-83F. That's good enough for my chameleon. At night time they cool down. My room gets in the high to mid 60's (66-69F). If it goes below 59F, you need a night bulb. I'm not sure what kind but a few people have told me 100 watt night light bulb would work. If anyone knows anything about this, please correct me. Hope this helps.
This is not correct.

Depending where you live and like how the temperature is during the day in your house is what helps you decide what watt bulb to get. My chameleon is in my room. My room is about 74-77 degrees during the day. I have a 60 watt bulb which brings the basking spot area between 78-83F. That's good enough for my chameleon. At night time they cool down. My room gets in the high to mid 60's (66-69F). If it goes below 59F, you need a night bulb. I'm not sure what kind but a few people have told me 100 watt night light bulb would work. If anyone knows anything about this, please correct me. Hope this helps.
No light at night. Jackson's thrive with night drops. Mine have been seeing temps from the mid 30's to mid 50's for weeks now.

These are good temps. Unless you are waking up to ice in your room you dont need to heat them at night. Hell, some chams actually see snow in the wild. The important thing is to make sure they can warm up adequately after a cold night.
Depending where you live and like how the temperature is during the day in your house is what helps you decide what watt bulb to get. My chameleon is in my room. My room is about 74-77 degrees during the day. I have a 60 watt bulb which brings the basking spot area between 78-83F. That's good enough for my chameleon. At night time they cool down. My room gets in the high to mid 60's (66-69F). If it goes below 59F, you need a night bulb. I'm not sure what kind but a few people have told me 100 watt night light bulb would work. If anyone knows anything about this, please correct me. Hope this helps.

Often when people say "night light" they mean a black light. That still puts out light and can disturb a chams sleep, that is why we recommend heat emitters.
Thanks so much guys. I got a 40 watt day bulb and I'm not going to use the 75 watt red night bulb; none at all.

Here is a picture of my new little girl. She's a female Jackson.


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