New Member
I just got a month and a half old baby panther and the last chameleon I got was around three months old and a female.. I just wanna know which vitamins would be correct and how often I should dust with each... I have d3 powder, repti-vite w/ d3, and miner-all... ...the baby and I will certainty appreciate any help or suggestions.. So thank you everyone in advance... Oh and before this Lil I've got used to the way I put the pinheads in a somewhat large tupperware I was feeding it fruit flies that were gathering on and around my fruit bowl... Now that it has become familiar with where the pinheads are it's eating them fine, I've been rotating the vitamin powders and only dusting when I put the pinheads in then waiting till they're gone then putting newly dusted pinheads in the tupperware... Thanx again and hope to get some good feedback