Monty is 10 months old!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Today (3rd July) Monty and his clutch mates are 10 months old! A few new pics of my precious green boy! :D The time has gone so fast!



Who did you buy him of? Just asking because my male that I brought a month ago for my two females is around the same age
He looks great! did he always look so nice and light green?
My guy is about that age (he is shedding now) but is much darker.
Monty is my very own long distance Cham.:D I love him to bits.
You would love him even more in the flesh! He is so cute and very sweet natured!

Who did you buy him of? Just asking because my male that I brought a month ago for my two females is around the same age
A friend's female had babies back in September last year and I got him at the end of October. He was only 7 weeks old but she was happy that I knew what I was doing with him to let him go so young. My friend is Anita and she is from Middlesex.

He looks great! did he always look so nice and light green?
My guy is about that age (he is shedding now) but is much darker.
Your boy may well be darker due to his shedding. Monty has always gone this nice bright 'happy' green when he is out with me, but he has only stayed green permanently for the last 3 or 4 months.
Phelsuma farm? He bought some of Monty's clutch mates (females I believe) from Anita. When did you get your male? Can you post pics of him please? I would love to see him!
If you wake up in the middle of the night hear a strange noise........dont check on monty.............he will be in his cage, if he isnt............I didnt take him:p
Yes that's him and I'm using my phone atm so carnt bit if you look in my pictures there is a photo of him in there and of the two females at 14 weeks
Happy birthday monty! Always a pleasure to see that beautiful green guy! He is a terrific example of how a gorgeous a jacksons can be! And beautiful photography as well :)
If you wake up in the middle of the night hear a strange noise........dont check on monty.............he will be in his cage, if he isnt............I didnt take him:p

No danger of that, lol! I live in the UK, so it's a little far to go to steal my baby boy! :D
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