Monty's first silkworms!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
My silkie eggs hatched a few days ago and since the first worms are big enough to see I thought I'd offer one to Monty. I put it on his vine and his head swung straight round and 'Zzapp!' the silkworm was snapped up! Nomnomnom!! I offered him another and he ate that one too! He is going to enjoy these I think! It's been a great week food wise, he has started eating crickets some days and he also ate his first isopod a few days ago too!
ahh thats great Tiff i always love introducing new feeders and seeing the chams react and nomnomnom like you say.
yaaaaa Montasaurus!!
I'm sure that was exciting to see!! I may have to hatch some silkworms myself so that I can watch my babies enjoy as well :)
:D I offered him a third and he was straight on it! He hasn't shown this much interest in any other food that I offer him! :D
I knew it! You mean, evil, person, you are going to let Monty grow up. I want to watch him grow up, but then again I don't want him to grow up. Totally conflicted here.:confused:
I feel the same Laurie! I love him being so tiny, yet I also can't wait till he's a big boy with a majestic set of horns! :D I will be so happy the day he turns green permanently, instead of teasing me with glimpses of green before going back to his 'baby brown' again!!
Whatever gives you that idea?! He's the smallest most boring chameleon in the whole world!:p Nah, he is really special - I have wanted a Jackson since I got my first chameleon almost 4 years ago. I never thought I would get one, so he is extra special! Now you see why all this means so much! He has really picked up interest in his food (other than flies) this last week. He is totally adorable - my little 'dinky dinosaur!':D

Wow thats amazin Tiff!! Hes gonna grow up into a mighty strong dinosaur! :D Its amazing when they get their big horns :) cant wait for Kami's to keep growing! Keep us updated with pics! (my silkworm hatching still on progress) :D
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