Monty's Many Faces!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
I love the expressions you can capture when taking pics of chams eating and licking their lips! Just thought I'd share a few of Monty! :D




Thank you so much everyone! He is such a joy, he really is! Everything revolves around him and I think he knows it too! He has so much character and he loves to come out and wander up my arm - he will actually reach out for me if I am not close enough for him to easily to grab me! He is very friendly and will go to whoever offers a finger!:D So proud of the little guy even though he causes more worry than my Veileds ever did!
Monty pictures, yea, I love getting my morning going with Monty. I have never seen a bad picture, but i am with the others, if pic #3 doesn't show up in a photo contest - well I will need to be harsh with you!! I have never had to do that so don't make me have to try.:rolleyes:
Thanks Laurie, but it's not a clear photo, and definitely not up to contest standard! I just love it because of his expression!:D
I just went back and checked, his face is clear, the rest of the picture doesn't matter. look how many of us love it!!
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