Mood changes after lighting change.


New Member
Hello, I want to know if anyone else's chameleon suddenly became grumpy after they changed their lighting?

I wanted to switch from using a bask lamp + UVB bulb to using a mercury vapor bulb I currently use for my turtles, but the day I switched it, my veiled became extremely grumpy towards me and puffing up and even hissing, which is strange cause he's never hissed at me before. I couldn't even hand feed him like I normally do. He wasn't shedding and is a boy so doesn't lay eggs, so I have no clue where the hostility came from. I had to switch back to the basking lamp and UVB bulb after a few days because he was always so hostile towards me and now he's back to normal.
I am new so have no clue but I just think its super cute that he has thrown a chammy tantrum cause you took his favourite light & lamp away :LOL:
Ur cham is one of the kind n wanting everything to be just perfect n right for him,maybe the mercury vapor bulb change the heat tempature on him for being hotter...
My cham gets jumpy when I open his next neighbors cage , he will start pacing around until I closed his neighbors cage maybe jealousy ...attention or even anxiety.
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