More campani and fiesty babies


Avid Member
This baby lateralis is fiesty right out of the egg-they often are

This 5 month old is carrying an infertile clutch

Sisters and half sisters

Crabby morning campani
oh my gosh - look at its little teeth- I hope you acted scared so as his feelings did not get hurt - lol
love all the pics you post :D
I've heard that only female campani have those stunning black and white patterns-is this true? Stunning pics, by the way:)
@ PattyCake-I should specify that the only campani in the pics is the last picture...the rest are my lateralis breeding group. :) And yes, only the females display those black and whites as a general rule, but males can be stunning as well.
They are absolutely adorable! I'm totally in love! I can't wait to hear back from you about hopefully being able to have one!!!
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