More Carpet pics....


Avid Member
Just a few of the male......these Carpets are awesome! Love the color, and the way they move....kinda like darting about on you arm!!
:eek: He is one heck of a beauty! I really want a carpet cham of my own. Seeing those gorgeous pics makes me want one even more! Have you got any pics of your female?
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Aww! She's a cutie too! Thanks for posting her pics. Amy jumped/fell off of my hand a few weeks ago in her rush to escape from me, lol! Luckily she was OK but it really scared and upset me at the time! I'm always aware now that she could take flight at any time!
Your carpets are soooooooo colorful, really makes me lust after one.:(:(:(:( No I can't have more.:mad::mad: Too full at the inn.
Im goint to steal your Chams one day:D;):D
That male has great coloring...was he a gem from Chad's?
Wait until she turns black and shows colors like red, blue, yellow and even lavender female furcifer lateralis is the Queen of color.
Nice looking carpets! I bet they are even better in person... I think I may have seen them at the show too!
I was thinking about getting one, but after doing some research on here is it true that their average life span is only 3 years?
I was thinking about getting one, but after doing some research on here is it true that their average life span is only 3 years?

Yes that is true. If you think about it tho, 3 years is actually kinda a long time. There chams are really cool and definitely worth it. Just my input :)
Yea, they do tend to be short lived species.....but like dco said, 3yrs is actually a good deal of time to have and admire them......
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