More chameleon art

If I found that framed in a gallery... I would have to buy it. No Joke. Really though... that is a really nice piece of work.

You could make a collection of herp art like this... Buy a booth at a Retpile show... and I believe you would make a killing. Seriously I would love it you would consider this... and get more awseome pieces like that into the world.

Seriously!!! I would commission one or two from you... like yesterday!
You have incredible talent and I am thoroughly jealous!
ok, i posted my pic on the wrong thread, lol. I didnt notice it was for jdogs bad arse pic. It's amazing bro.
Ok, first the 250.00 thing.....that's the down payment. Put that in santa Barbara for like 1200.00 and would sell, fast.
I had a lame colored of a giraffe where I work, it sold for 800.00
Not a 10th of the quality or detail of yours
Ok, first the 250.00 thing.....that's the down payment. Put that in santa Barbara for like 1200.00 and would sell, fast.
I had a lame colored of a giraffe where I work, it sold for 800.00
Not a 10th of the quality or detail of yours

Seriously??!! I might have a lot more incentive to do it if I was fetching prices like that!! I'm sure geography has alot to do with it. Here in the 'Deep South', I'll stop short of calling most everyone around her a dumb redneck, but I don't think that the time and effort that goes into something like this is very appreciated here. Where do you work?
You can try to sell it on It is like ebay but everything has to be hand made.
I might take a look at that-although I'm very pressed for time usually.
man thats some real talent. do you sell them?
I'll sell something that someone commissions from me, but it's very rare. I go through phases where I'll be really enthusiastic about doing some art again, followed by utter contempt for even looking at a blank sheet of paper.
ya i want one too.. ill send a ya pic of my guy seriously great work
Actually, when I first posted this last year, I did have 2 members who approached me about some commission work. One guy stopped responding about it, and the other guy, Todnedo, was ready to put a downpayment and everything. He wanted me to do his Parson for his avatar picture, only he wanted it in full color. I'm not the greatest working with color, I prefer to work in Black-n-White charcoal. I went and got a few of the colors that I woulld need to do his Parson, and started practicing, and I wasn't impressed with what I did, so I just scrapped the whole thing. I feel bad I never got back with him on it, maybe someday when hell freezes over, I 'll pick it up again and try to focus on completing it. I'd like to say thanks to each of you for your compliments, It's very much appreciated:)

Amazing artwork! I bet you could make some money off some of us here :D
We could send you our pics!!!!
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