More Furcifer Lateralis Pics - Male and Female

Cameron B

Established Member
Hi all,
I let my male and female Carpets out today. The female was displaying a ton of colorations today, but I took some pics of her becoming non-receptive towards the male after she finally spotted him. I had to remove him right after these pics, but figured I'd post them anyhow.





I really like that second picture!
What kind of camera are you using?
I'm really thinking about getting a pair of lats, but the incubation is such a pain.
I may just consider getting a female, but we will see.
They are one of the few species when the female actually has more color then the male.
Thanks for posting some pictures, I have kinda been leaning towards picking up some carpets, and this post is gettin me closer... :eek:
Hey guys, Thanks for the comments. The Carpet is an awesome little chameleon! I used to be big in breeding Jackson's and Panthers, but I had to let go of them all during a massive move a little while back. When I finally got settled in I got these little guys, as I wanted more of a challenge and to test my skills to see if I could handle a wild caught species. I believe we're over the hurdles of any issues anymore. :) The female laid her first clutch last week...13 eggs in all, but whether they are fertile or not is still up in the air.

I am using a Canon 30D. I used to do photography for a few magazines (aviation related), but these days I've started changing things up. The lens is at 500mm in that second shot. Unlike the male, the female will NOT let me take any reasonable pics of her up close, so I have to move away and put the big boy lens on. Anything smaller and closer and she just tries to turn her body away from any kind of a good shot. :)

One other thing I have noticed on these chams is their personality. They are quite consistent day in and day out with their reactions towards a human, food, etc. I've trained these guys to do both free range AND cup feeding based on whether they are indoor or outdoor, and they know what the cup means these days. Every now and again I'll let them go on the grass and just dump a bunch of crickets around...they'll eat them up in no time! Another thing about these carpets is they are quite quick...quite possibly the quickest "running" chameleon I have ever seen when on foot. I have also read about this in numerous other places, so I don't think it's just my little bunch here.

I'll post more pics soon. Happy to answer anymore questions! :)
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