more pics and what not


New Member
one of these days ima post a timeline of his growth. from when he was the size of my pinky to now





he sure has grown

nope, i used to have one but didnt keep it in my room.
thats for breeding more superworms, just waiting on this batch to pupilate.
last batch didnt turn out so well , but u learn and try again.
i made the mistake of having my brother take care of it and instead of oats or sod like i wanted instead he used oatmeal and thought it would be a good idea to mist them. under my cham cage i got a 40g breeder for my crickets. was using a 39g.t but it had little room for my liking.
if this batch turns out good i will probly move them upto a 20g
I would love to see pictures of the age progression in veileds. It would give me something to gauge the growth and appearance of babies to. Here's one that went almost colorless at "lights out".

I liked it and made it my avatar. I don't have any experience to go on and would like to see how the colors come in. Yours is very nice looking. I hope mine turn out as nicely. I can't wait to see.
my guy was 1 color whengot him.
each shed he gets more color. and depending on his mood i will get to see how much more color.
i will go though all my pics later today and try to get them all in thumbnails cuz it would take for ever full size to look at them.

or u could look them up on facebook. search shawn hamilton or [email protected]
Nice cage!! what are the dimensions?

the green one is 4' 7'' t, x 4' w, x 2' 6'' d, inside to inside, top of cage just under 8 feet
the cage he was in is 6' t, x 3' w, x 2' 6'' d, top of cage 6'4''

i like the new one so much more. put my cricket cage under it so i have a lot more room in my room now

and about the pics for the growth from when i got him, i narrowed it down to 156 pics but that would take so long to make thumbnails of them so u can see them on facebook. search me by email, probly easyest way. [email protected]
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