more quad eggs, again!!!


Established Member
One of my females laid 11 eggs! All of them look really good. We'll see. As they often do, she used one of the two holes I started. Funny though that this time she not only covered her own "tracks" (the first hole I started for her where she laid) but also covered the second hole I started, even though there was quite a bit of separation between the two. Currently, I have three quad clutches incubating. Two of those clutches, including a clutch of 10 laid by this same female, could hatch any day now.

Thanks. Unlike other gravid quads I've had, the mother went off feed a couple of days before laying, so I figured her laying was imminent. I'll certainly have my hands full if they hatch (like I don't already with 7 ten month old quads and 8 four month olds :)). In addition, I'm hoping the two 5+ month old clutches (16 eggs) to hatch any day now. I'm more than past due to start thinning out a little. :rolleyes: I may have "missed the boat" on trades, but that is what I'm mostly looking for because I want new blood. The next highest priority is to find keepers that are currently breeding/keeping quads, even if they currently don't have any for trade. After that, I will sell to those intent on breeding.

This isn't officially a classified, otherwise I would have posted in the "classifieds", but I am trying to get a feel of who is interested. I'd really like to hear from those who contacted me before. Although I know some of you are still interested, I figure others have moved on to other things.

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