
Sir Spiral Tail

New Member
I am currently trying to sell my dubia colony and get one more male Panther. I want either a really nice Ambanja, or a nosy be, or nosy's a hard choice. I got my first in January, and I am already looking at buying my fourth. I can't help it...
Get a nosy be or faly! I was going to get a faly but he sold so i bought a very nice and stunning nosy be :) Imo I would get a nosy be now and save up for a nice male faly later.
I love the falys so thats my vote, but get whatever you want! I can't wait until I have more room to get another :)
I want a FARLY someday but my next one is Chamaeleo verrucosus (giant spiny cham) or some pygmy's.... My fiance is really gonna hate me soon lol
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I want a FARLY someday but my next one is Chamaeleo verrucosus (giant spiny cham) or some pygmy's.... My fiance is really gonna hate me soon lol
Haha, my girlfriend is starting to! As soon as my dubias sell...hopefully they do...i am getting one. That is all the room i will have in my two bedroom apt
I just ordered a male from Cham Co.

Male from Hannibal and female from Willie-Pete.

They should be arriving sometime next week.

Jim has amazing chams.
I know!! I have to sell my dubia colony first, i promised my girlfriend...

My wife is tired of my flightless fruit flies cause a couple of em always escape when i feed them off. I am ordering some dubias for the first time and im sure she will have a problem with me keeping roaches . Too late now they are on their way:D I currently have 200 or so med to large silkies about 60 crickets fruit flies and some mating moths .
She does not! I am not fond of how difficult it is to get my animals to eat them. Where are you getting your dubia? Maybe you can help me help you..?
Did you try telling her they're actually large south American beetles? :) I vote a nice yellow-y/purple-blue ambanja.
Did you try telling her they're actually large south American beetles? :) I vote a nice yellow-y/purple-blue ambanja.

Haha, either way i need rid of them, i keep feeding the roaches my gutload, and they arent being used. I really want one of hannibals. Eric has one, said he would hook it up once he got some babies

how many dubias do you have i am looking for some if there are enough for a cheap price, my panther loves dubias same with my bearded dragons they wont eat crickets any more, but i would go with ambalobie they have more like rainbow colors more so than just shades of blue like abanjas ( sorry about the spelling).
I have a colony of over a thousand. I have a male ambilobe, and two females, so i want a different locale now! I will PM you and discuss the roaches...
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