Most AMAZING enlosures!


New Member
These are some of the most amazing enclosures I've ever seen!!









Nice-but the one of the Panther over the fish tank is just wrong in too many ways. Dangerous.
These enclosures are simply amazing but.... EVERYONE is VERY dangerous. They all have/had great ideas but I think all were poorly executed.

If he slips, he might end up with water in his lungs, which would be deadly. However, some still ignore that chameleons can swim sometimes, even on their own! It is very interesting to watch!! At the end, i think there would be a way to setup his enclosure with a small lake where he could swim if he wanted, and with the impossibility for him to fall in the water (with vines over the sand and not over the water)

Nevertheless, some of the enclosures are very nice!

EDIT: some of the lamps are worrisome too. But the enclosures do look nice.
Even amazing can be dangerous. I think Amber's post was meant to awe, not make you go "oh gosh!" ;)
Visually that first one is incredible! I love it. I actually didn't even see the cham up there for a minute or two. Imagine that but with a couple frogs or something, or as is with fish. Absolutely beautiful.
These enclosures are simply amazing but.... EVERYONE is VERY dangerous. They all have/had great ideas but I think all were poorly executed.


I dont see anything wrong with any of the enclosures excluding the first one because of the water (which even then is not dangerous, as long as it is kept very clean) and the second one because of how close those lights are.
WOW!! I was just trying to provide some eye candy..i guess I should have been more direct :cool: yous should be nurses great assessments
Sometimes it makes me wonder if bodies of water (no matter the size) exist where chameleons do. :rolleyes:
they look like they would be fun to clean up!
i don't think i would want to take the risk even if chameleons are decent swimmers
The first 2 are stunning, but look like they were usead as photoshoots and not actual cham enclosures. Now reguarding saftey, id willing to take the chance with the water, however,, when a chameleon falls, it puffs up, so it either a- bounces off the ground and absorbs impact or b - flaots in the water it lands in. Chameleons can indeed swim. Those are stunning. The others with exposed lights are just dumb and rediculas. Now. If u have a healthy chameleon, there should be no reason for it to fall. Not to mention chameleons never go to the bottom of an enclosure, unless its a female wanting to lay eggs. There is a forum member who free ranges a cham over a large indor pond. Is this an issue? No, if the chams healthy like it should be, that's not a problem. Honestly id rather my cham take a 7 ft fall into water, then a 7 ft fall onto a a hard tile floor. Swim swim away.
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