Most reputable place to obtain my new Female Veiled Chameleon?


New Member
I am looking into purchasing a female veiled chameleon!! Certainly excited about it!

I was wondering what is everyone's opinion on online purchases, and some of these dealers that you see out on the wide web.

I am also looking for certain color traits. I love Veils with lots of yellows or blues. i see all these "high Oranges" "Sunbursts" "Turquoises" I love the colors and i plan on breeding my new girl ( Eventually of course (( Once she's older)) ) with my High Translucent Veil Male.

So, Any recommendations?
I got my male veiled from Chameleons Northwest. He's gorgeous, but I'm sure they have females that are just as good. Give Sandy an email and I'm sure you can ask her all the questions you want!
I am so happy with my male I bought from Lance @ Lancecham.
My boy is stunning,healthy and most of all he is very friendly.
He lives in our foyer and comes out to see/greet everybody.
He climbs right up on me when it's time to freerange or just to be held.
Never hiss or even so much of a scowel.
Been like this since day one.
I know they all have different personalities but I like to think Lance hooked me up with a friendly Cham.
His personality has kept me from upgrading to one of them designer panthers.
Good luck to you.
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