
I bet this would work at my uncles house in Yosemite. There is tons of moths there at night it's insane!
That is too cool! I would do that but we don't have many moths around here. :(


If you go out about 1 a.m. in the morning and use a flashlight, you will see the Arizona Sombrero Moth. They mostly fly around establishments that serve tequila.
They are really cute with their little hats me...1 am-flashlight-bars.:D

Steve, you would need like 10 of these sheets to feed your chams for ONE day huh? :rolleyes:

Feel my jealousy...?;)
if they were all edible them mulberryfarms would go out of buessness very soon.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that was done in South America and even more sure it was at least a tropical rain forest....somewhere. I could be wrong, but I've seen things like this done on a few documentaries. Hence why we all don't just go moth hunting and have these kinds of results. But yes to do it in your back yard would provide some results.

Very cool pic though.

GAH! What are they attracted to? The spotlight? Or do they spray something on the sheet?:eek::cool:

Yep, it's the light. Like a moth to a flame..pun intended. :D
I wanna know where that pic was taken, as there are some huge freakin moths on that sheet! Very cool shot. My buddy keeps specimens pinned for display. I will have to turn him on to this idea.
It's like that in some places up north, too. You just don't get such a diverse range of moths, however.
wow that is nuts!

Today i found the Hawk moth that hatched.... I offered it to Henry.... wasn't interested.... so I took it to Lenny... She chased me around the free range for a minute or two before I let her have it... she went nuts!
just wondering how would i find out what moths are okay to feed to my cham~ ive read it isnt good to feed caught insects- but ive read alot of threads by people that catch insects~~so i was just wondering~after seeing that pic~ i'd like to try:)~~
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