Mouth Breather?

Mr A

New Member
Can any one explain to me why my Veiled Chameleon sometimes sits with its mouth open? She isn't hungry just sits there calmly mouth half (sometimes all the way open).
More than likely your basking temps are too hot, could also be a sign of respiratory problems. What are your temps?
A Mouth Breeder is a type of fish :D (couldn't resist)

Chams may sit with their mouth open to regulate their body temp during basking. When they move or cool off the gaping should stop.

If the cham is gaping and showing a light paler color and spending more time down low away from the lights, it is too hot.
If the cham is sitting quiet, not eating or drinking, dark colored, taking deep gulping breaths over and over, tipping its nose straight up, or show sticky mucus in the mouth it may have a respiratory infection that needs attention ASAP.
I call mouth breeders certain ppl at walmart. lol

Her temp is 87 degrees. She eat fine esp crickets and no sticky mucus. She must be regulating her temp as I have a large tank with one area only for basking and another for cooling of between a plant. Thnx allot for answering my question!
Oh, no she has a big Chameleon tank :) I just noticed she does it sometimes and was curious why. Again thank you all for being so helpful to this noob :)
Oh, no she has a big Chameleon tank :) I just noticed she does it sometimes and was curious why. Again thank you all for being so helpful to this noob :)

STill you say tank, is it glass?

Can you post a photo of your cage set up please/

Females should be kept at temps around 85 at the highest, so it sounds like shes too hot.
Can any one explain to me why my Veiled Chameleon sometimes sits with its mouth open? She isn't hungry just sits there calmly mouth half (sometimes all the way open).

In the morning, when the lights come on, my cham heads over to his spot and gapes his mouth like that for a few minutes while he's catching his initial warm up. After that he closes it. This happens every day. In my case, it's nothing to be alarmed about.
Sounds like you need to check your temps.
You want to use a digital probe thermometer and monitor the temps at the
basking spot, and also check the temp in the middle and near the bottom of
the cage.
You don't want to use a glass terrarium that has all 4 sides of glass because
you need good air circulation.

Glass terrariums can be like a green house, trapping heat with nowhere to go.

All my guyz will open their mouths sometimes when basking, not because
they are too hot, but I guess it's just part of what they do to regulate their
body temps.
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