If he's doing this while basking this could mean the basking area is to hot....if he's just soing It in general....could mean upper respitory infection. Post pictures fast...this issue needs to be resolved.
he is sitting under the basking light while doing it but he is not as close as he can get to it, he is sitting actually about 8 inches from the closet spot to the light and the temps in this area are around 70
No I can't see the images. I think a vet visist is in order... you need to check for poping craking or hissing noises while breathing. Try to get the images to work...it will help a lot.
if you right click the broken pic you can open in a url and see....you may want to fill out an ask for help fourm so we can try to pin point the problem your cham is having it looks to me like a URI unless ofcourse his temps are to high......but also my cham sometimes opens his mouth like this when im holding him or upclose to his cage kind of like a stress relieve or something of that sort but if the cham doesnt see you around and you see him opening his mouth like this frequently wheezing or gasping for air its pretty much a upper respiratory infection and you need to goto the vet asap and like the other members said if you can hold him up to your ear and listen for him breathing and it pops when he breathes is a URI
Chamnoob, you need to use the 'direct link' from the link options on the left of your images.
P.S mouth breathing can also be directly related to overheating. What are your temperatures?
please fill out the form linked in my signature so you can be given educated advice.
personaly, I just think that maybe your temps are off as that looks like panting to me from being too hot.
I see nothing inside his mouth like extra mucus or bubbles, so unless you hear alot of poping in his breathing I would say it's from heat.