Mouth swollen?

She has MBD :(

You didn't list a UVB lamp in your cage setup. You need to buy one. I would reccommend the ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 in a linear lamp, not the screw in style. And for the heat lamp, use a PAR20 5ow Flood. You can find them at Home Depot for about 6 bucks. Do not point the heat lamp straight down on top of the cage, it needs to be pointed at an angle towards the basking area.

You should also be using calcium with D3, If you use the Sticky Tongues brand, with the yellow lid, use it every day on her food and make them look like little ghosts. otherwise you need to go to the vet and get calcium injections and have the mouth looked at.

Are you saying to use the d3 every day because of the MBD, or as a normal supplement schedule?
She has MBD :(

You didn't list a UVB lamp in your cage setup. You need to buy one. I would reccommend the ZooMed Reptisun 10.0 in a linear lamp, not the screw in style. And for the heat lamp, use a PAR20 5ow Flood. You can find them at Home Depot for about 6 bucks. Do not point the heat lamp straight down on top of the cage, it needs to be pointed at an angle towards the basking area.

You should also be using calcium with D3, If you use the Sticky Tongues brand, with the yellow lid, use it every day on her food and make them look like little ghosts. otherwise you need to go to the vet and get calcium injections and have the mouth looked at.

She has a uvb bulb on the top of her cage. I thought i listed it. dang. (lol) We have a heat light on her on the right side of her cage pointed at a downward left angle.
we are gutloading our crickets with fresh fruits and veggies...She has a exo-therma uv light and heat light

Which ones? That can make a big difference. Not sure what exo-therma is...maybe you meant exo-terra? If it is a reptiglo UVB bulb then that is good. But if it doesn't specifically say UVB on it then that is bad. If you don't still have the box the type is printed directly on the bulb where it screws into the socket. Check there and let us know what it says.
Which ones? That can make a big difference. Not sure what exo-therma is...maybe you meant exo-terra? If it is a reptiglo UVB bulb then that is good. But if it doesn't specifically say UVB on it then that is bad. If you don't still have the box the type is printed directly on the bulb where it screws into the socket. Check there and let us know what it says.

Omg. I'm really blind. It says Exo-Terra on it. (lol) The bulb says its a repti-glow UVB 2.0 on the side.
UVB 5.0 puts out a more appropriate level of UVB, especially for a growing cham. I think you should get a 5.0 bulb to replace it asap. Inadequate UVB and calcium is what causes MBD. A little more info here. Which fruits and veggies are you using for gutloading?

I think it is early enough that you can make appropriate corrections to lighting and gutloading with increased calcium supplementation and get her back on track. If it continues to get worse despite corrections then bloodwork may be in order. But her mouth needs to get checked out soon regardless because that is probably a separate issue.
UVB 5.0 puts out a more appropriate level of UVB, especially for a growing cham. I think you should get a 5.0 bulb to replace it asap. Inadequate UVB and calcium is what causes MBD. A little more info here. Which fruits and veggies are you using for gutloading?

I think it is early enough that you can make appropriate corrections to lighting and gutloading with increased calcium supplementation and get her back on track. If it continues to get worse despite corrections then bloodwork may be in order. But her mouth needs to get checked out soon regardless because that is probably a separate issue.

What do you think about using sticky tongues calcium with d3 everyday for this cham? I ask becuase someone else posted here about doing that. But i have read many of the MBD threads, and in none of them is d3 daily recommended.
a 2.0 "UVB" lamp is not really a UVB lamp. They are 6500K color temp lamps that produce 'come' UVB. You really should get her a linear lamp, the tube lamps that run the length of the cage. it will cover her cage better, I would get the 10.0 so she gets plenty of UVB.

And yes, I am saying to use the D3 calcium on her daily for a couple of weeks to help her body getback the calcium in her bones. It isn't scientific, but it will help. Also I am only saying it to be OK with the sticky tongue farms brand with the yellow lid. because that supplement isn't very strong in D3, so you shouldn't OD on it. You can over dose D3, so if you dont have the mineral - sticky tongue brand, maybe post here what you have.
Ok. that might be the cause of her slight (and i do mena slight) mbd.
you need a 5.0 reptiglo.

Well that makes me wanna punch the guy at Petsmart cuz he told us we needed the 2.0 and that's what they had her under at the store too.

Anyways I called the vet and the herp vet won't be back until after X-mas, but se's the first appt he has for after he returns. I called my hubby and he;s going to get her two of the 5.0s on his way home from work. Other than that, is there anything else that we need to be doing for her in the meantime until we get her to the vet for either the MBD or her mouth?
What fruits and veggies do you use for gutloading?? That can really have a huge impact on the amount of calcium she is getting and could contribute to MBD.
Well that makes me wanna punch the guy at Petsmart cuz he told us we needed the 2.0 and that's what they had her under at the store too.

Anyways I called the vet and the herp vet won't be back until after X-mas, but se's the first appt he has for after he returns. I called my hubby and he;s going to get her two of the 5.0s on his way home from work. Other than that, is there anything else that we need to be doing for her in the meantime until we get her to the vet for either the MBD or her mouth?

You only need one uvb, unless you cage is very wide. I would suggest a tube one though so it covers more of the cage.
What are you temps outside like right now? if warm enough, you can take her outside for natural sunlight, which is a big help with MBD.
I would make sure she gets plenty of calcium (though dont overdust her bugs)
as for the mouth, just keep an eye on it.
if the vet wont be back until after xmas, not much you can do about it right now.
a 2.0 "UVB" lamp is not really a UVB lamp. They are 6500K color temp lamps that produce 'come' UVB. You really should get her a linear lamp, the tube lamps that run the length of the cage. it will cover her cage better, I would get the 10.0 so she gets plenty of UVB.

And yes, I am saying to use the D3 calcium on her daily for a couple of weeks to help her body getback the calcium in her bones. It isn't scientific, but it will help. Also I am only saying it to be OK with the sticky tongue farms brand with the yellow lid. because that supplement isn't very strong in D3, so you shouldn't OD on it. You can over dose D3, so if you dont have the mineral - sticky tongue brand, maybe post here what you have.

Interesting. have you dont this with a cham of your own that had mbd?
Im jsut curious on why you suggested this, because no one else says this when a person posts questiosn regarding mbd.
What do you think about using sticky tongues calcium with d3 everyday for this cham? I ask becuase someone else posted here about doing that. But i have read many of the MBD threads, and in none of them is d3 daily recommended.

I don't really think it is necessary, and definitely not a good idea long term, which I see Summoner thinks as well. It's usually not a shortage of VitD3 that causes the problem, it's the shortage of calcium. But without adequate UVB she may not be making much vitd3, which promotes absorption of calcium. I don't see any harm is giving it more for the first week or so as long as it's not in high quantities or for an extended period of time. But I don't think it's altogether a necessity, especially if she will have proper UVB soon because then she'll make her own vitD3. Calcium and UVB are the much bigger players here.
a 2.0 "UVB" lamp is not really a UVB lamp. They are 6500K color temp lamps that produce 'come' UVB. You really should get her a linear lamp, the tube lamps that run the length of the cage. it will cover her cage better, I would get the 10.0 so she gets plenty of UVB.

And yes, I am saying to use the D3 calcium on her daily for a couple of weeks to help her body getback the calcium in her bones. It isn't scientific, but it will help. Also I am only saying it to be OK with the sticky tongue farms brand with the yellow lid. because that supplement isn't very strong in D3, so you shouldn't OD on it. You can over dose D3, so if you dont have the mineral - sticky tongue brand, maybe post here what you have.

We have the rep-cal calcium with D3. We can order some of the other though. What site can I find it on, or can it be found just anywhere pretty much? (lol) and 10.0 and linear lamp? Okay I txtd my hubby and let him know what to get and all when he goes this afternoon. :)
I don't really think it is necessary, and definitely not a good idea long term, which I see Summoner thinks as well. It's usually not a shortage of VitD3 that causes the problem, it's the shortage of calcium. But without adequate UVB she may not be making much vitd3, which promotes absorption of calcium. I don't see any harm is giving it more for the first week or so as long as it's not in high quantities or for an extended period of time. But I don't think it's altogether a necessity, especially if she will have proper UVB soon because then she'll make her own vitD3. Calcium and UVB are the much bigger players here.

Just curious. I think for a week until the herp vet is back wont hurt anything... Not sure it helps either. :/
And if she hasnt gotten the proper uvb then the d3 might help a little. especially since this is such an early case of mbd.
I don't really think it is necessary, and definitely not a good idea long term, which I see Summoner thinks as well. It's usually not a shortage of VitD3 that causes the problem, it's the shortage of calcium. But without adequate UVB she may not be making much vitd3, which promotes absorption of calcium. I don't see any harm is giving it more for the first week or so as long as it's not in high quantities or for an extended period of time. But I don't think it's altogether a necessity, especially if she will have proper UVB soon because then she'll make her own vitD3. Calcium and UVB are the much bigger players here.

I don't think I will give it to her every day for that period of time. Especially, as you said, since she will have proper UVB and such this afternoon. She will be getting more, but not THAT much more. (lol)
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