Moving with possible egg laying!


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hello everyone!!! I hope you are all doing well! I would love some advice on this situation I have! So I’m moving to college in just under two weeks 😱 and my spicy girl Nachito is coming with me! Recently she had some signs of being receptive and if I’ve added the dates up correctly 🤔, then if she were to lay, it would be right about the time I move in! (Crossing fingers that she actually lays this time🤞🏻) So im having these worry’s about if the move will affect her negatively. What would be the best way to move her without putting to much stress on her body. I currently have this plan to keep an eye out to see if she has any digging signs the morning of the move, and if she doesn’t, then continue with the moving. I plan on coving her cage when we get to my dorm so she has a little privacy to settle in.

So I guess what I’m trying to say, does anyone have any advice to make a
move comfortable and safe for a possibly gravid chameleon! I’m sure I’m worrying to much about this, but it has to be perfect and as safe as possible, I don’t want any egg binding or heath issue to arise 🙂👍
I would do exactly what you have planned or if you can move her when she’s sleeping instead of during the day. If that’s not possible just leave her covered for the move. Eventually when you think she’s ready uncover her at night while she’s sleeping and she can wake up to the new surroundings. If she seems stressed just cover her again. Or maybe uncover a side at a time so she just sees a little difference at a time.
I would do exactly what you have planned or if you can move her when she’s sleeping instead of during the day. If that’s not possible just leave her covered for the move. Eventually when you think she’s ready uncover her at night while she’s sleeping and she can wake up to the new surroundings. If she seems stressed just cover her again. Or maybe uncover a side at a time so she just sees a little difference at a time.
Do you think it would be safe to leave her in her enclosure for a hour drive? Or should I put her in a smaller container?
Good luck with your college career. Make every move there worth it. Expand and evolve your skills to be a sharper person. :)
Difficult! Luckily it's just an hour driving, that won't that extremely stressful. Moving her a little later isn't an option? I guess not, otherwise you would considered it.
Wishing you also a wonderful time at college, enjoy college life and all the knowledge you gonna absorb. And yay, even Nachito will be a college girl 🥳😋😛
Also I’m wondering @MissSkittles and @Sonny13, I know this has been answered already, but is it normal and correlate with egg producing that Nachito doesn’t finish her meals? She has been eating just about half of what I’ve been giving her (usually a mix of 4 bugs, hornworms, silkworms and roaches). I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not 🤔 shes been like that for about two weeks
Yes it could and Bella skipped a complete feeding Friday. Completely no interest in food. There will be less room in their stomach, because of the eggs pushing against it. Making them feel less hungry.
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